MEMORY: Butterflies (Part 2)

It was Valentine’s Day.

It was my first Valentine’s Day with Yana… as my girlfriend.

It had to be special.

It had to be perfect.

Such thoughts were giving me strength to keep myself from stumbling while navigating through the dark, with two girls desperately clinging on each of my arms.

Alongside the piercing shriek and monstrous laugh, Yana’s and Tessa’s screams were adding to the colorful madness inside the Haunted House booth. Aside from the grotesque graffiti we see every turn; the lingering scent of paint on the plywood walls; the blindingly still red neon lights; fake cobwebs; and caped and winged mascots waiting in every corner, the Math and Art Clubs had done a pretty good job making the maze a little different than usual. Even I had to pause for a bit, wondering which direction to take after passing the drunk-like white lady living inside the well.