MEMORY: The Rain Has Come (Part 2)

In my high school, there were two subjects that I wouldn’t forget. Not because I liked them, but because I hated them the most. Statistics and Chemistry. The former was taken in sophomore year, the latter in junior year.

Statistics was snooze-level boring. Except the lessons on probability and permutation. It was fun. Like the problems in Algebra and the logic in Geometry.

Chemistry was difficult, and there wouldn’t have been a problem if it were exciting enough for me. (Physics was bearable, at least.) It seems I was the only one having a hard time wrapping my head around those isotopes stuff. And ionic equilibrium. And that atomic bonding. I remember thinking all I wanted to learn at that time was how to bond with Yana. We weren’t going out yet then, and so I imagined us as two particles, finding our way to each other inside a container packed with many more atoms bouncing off and lost in space, like those in science videos I’ve seen as a kid.