MEMORY: Rubies and Mermaids (Part 2)

I witnessed something…

I know something…

Will you hear me out?

Would you believe me if I told you…

It’s always the beginning that gets to be the hardest. Discovering something dangerous. Wanting to tell someone about it. Whom to tell.

There’s always the worry you wouldn’t be taken seriously; and if they do, what comes next?

Now I knew what Calvin must have felt when he came to our classroom that day, hoping someone would listen to him. Hoping someone would believe his words.

There was one person whom I didn’t confide in at that time. This time, I wanted to do differently, hoping that the next events would unfold differently as well… with much more ease, and support, and less action, and drama.

After all, I could only hope.

“Wait… Rin, are you sure? It’s best to think about this first and not jump into conclusions yet,” was what Yana said after I told her what I heard between Evelyn and the suspicious man.