MEMORY: The Discovery (Part 2)

Once again I had found myself stepping into the storage room where sports equipment was being kept, but this time there was Maris by my side, two towering boys from our class, and Kira, who was busy chatting with the maintenance staff accompanying us for the day. The guys sped up ahead to collect the gym mats we would be using for later; they had a couple of rounds to do after all. Kira, on the other hand, was staying at the entrance to take note of the borrowed items in the logbook. It was her duty as the P.E. assistant.

It was actually Maris’ idea to join Kira for that day. She said it would be easier to disappear when people get busy around us. Not only could it provide the staff distraction, it could also buy us time without them getting suspicious. I told Kira our business was for the Literature Club, and she bought it right away.