YANA: Unexpected Stranger (Part 2)

I woke up, my throat dry and my bladder full. The sun was shining through the window so I turned to my side away from the light, hugging a pillow as I further buried myself under the comforter. It felt like I had napped away for too long that I didn’t want to get up anymore. It was too comfortable–if only my bladder would stop nagging me and if it hadn’t been morning already. I stirred again as a voice played in my head, as if a remnant from a dream.

“Yes to all three.” A hearty chuckle. A warm embrace.

“What does that even mean?” I mumbled to myself as my stomach added to the ongoing bodily petition. I finally got up.

When I made it to the kitchen, I found Liv on the couch watching How I Met Your Mother on her laptop. She spotted me and paused the video. “How are you feeling, Julie?”