TESSA: Catch You, Catch Me (Part 3)

Aki signed up for a basketball camp in our last summer before high school. Slam Dunk was really popular back then, having re-aired in a local TV network. The boys were hyped at school, suddenly turning into basketball nerds. I guess the fever didn’t escape my friend, either, which wasn’t surprising considering her penchant for anything to do with chasing, catching, and hitting a flying object. She had played badminton, volleyball, and table tennis to name a few, and tried her hand with baseball, although it didn’t last for long. She said she got bored with it, but I think she was just a bad hitter.

It was the last week of April, and I was chilling in my room, practicing my Hiragana, when I received a call from her.

“Hey, can you come over?”

“What’s up? You didn’t ditch camp today, did you?” I said, looking out the window. It was already late in the afternoon, but I bet it was still burning hot outside.