"So Chaoxiang, this program in particular actually stalked you prior to this interview. We found out you're actually funny on social media."
"I take my profession seriously but my two siblings and I are somehow goofy. In that case, I do feel that I need a platform in which I can express my humor."
"From your socials, we took some trending photos. If you're comfortable enough to share the back story of these posts, we would like to hear you out."
After clearly hearing and understanding the instructions from the interviewer, Chaoxiang glued his eyes to the screen behind him. He is quite nervous about the segment; he had no idea what could be his most trending post. The consoling part is that he knows that he never posted about Suyin nor Meixiu for it'll cause so much issue and he knows he can never explain those things live.
"I fired my assistant today. Who wants to replace him?", the interviewer read and Chaoxiang ended up chuckling.
"My notifications did explode after I posted that and I wasn't joking at all. Well maybe the 'I fired my assistant' thing is a lien and my assistant just had a vacation that time. But I was serious in finding a temporary assistant until Jaewoo, my assistant comes back."
"I remember my sister actually attempting to send you a resume so you could hire her."
"I did receive a lot of mails that time. Even the dudes are sending me their resumes."
"That's because everyone loves you."
"Well I do love all of my fans. They're cool and funny too."
"Next. You posted this and it says, 'The wondrous thing about women is that they are so pretentious about how they feel that I can't understand them anymore."
So Chaoxiang bitterly smiled after that post was opened up again. It attracted a huge amount of users and everyone got worried about him. A lot of them thought he is in a relationship already. Some thought he maybe isn't happy with his relationship.
"Oh that one. A lot of people got concerned for they thought I am already dating someone. Well, there is this woman that was introduced to me a month ago and she doesn't want to express herself so much. I always misinterpret her but it kinda turns out that it's alright for her to be misunderstood. I became really confused for she always pretends to be okay but she isn't and for me, that's kinda sad."
That was the time he realized he was actually talking about Meixiu, the woman who always pretends to be okay but isn't. He has been cruel to her, he knows that but he pities her so much. She is always misunderstood, she is always misinterpreted but she wants people to feel as if she is fine with it.
"I only have a few women in my life. My mom and my sister pretend to be strong even though they are really vulnerable. I guess it's a part of being a woman. It shouldn't be but it happens. You have to pretend that you are strong until you finally become the strongest version of yourself."
"I can relate a lot. Being a woman with so much insecurities, I really felt that. But there is still this last post that we want you to explain to us. So far, this is your most trending post."
"What is it?"
"She said she's coming... And so I waited. A shadow came closer and shushed me dead."
"Is it because everyone expected I'll wrap it up in a song?"
"I guess. My sister thought it's a lyric too."
"But the back story of that post is actually funny and irritating at the same time. So I told you I was serious in finding a temporary assistant right? I want it to be someone who really knows me. And someone said, 'you have this person you consider as your number one fan. Why not find her and ask her if she could be your temporary assistant? And so I stumbled unto that woman's fan account and she said yes. We set up a time and date but she never came."
"You personally waited for that fan?"
"I did. Those 2 hours were filled with frustration. And I planned on letting it go as if we never transacted. But at that time, I actually entrusted someone to manage my account and that person called out my number one fan and even took screenshots of our conversations. So a lot of my fans reported that fan account and was then taken down by the system."
"Well it is really frustrating. Do you think that woman is still a part of the fandom?"
"I do think she's using a different username and I do think I reconnected with her recently. People would never understand how I appreciate that woman, not even my fans. And I had no hard feeling about her standing me up."
"That was an entertaining segment. How did you feel about that?"
"I was nervous seriously."
"Should we proceed to the next part?"
And so, Chaoxiang prepared his ears for the long set of instructions about the next and the last segment. The interviewer stated it clearly; the show will present him a photo. He needs to tell how he feels about the person who will appear onscreen. His heart is beating so fast, he expects the interviewer will ask him about Suyin so he hesitated to say yes.