
When we were children, Disney taught us that our future husband would have amazing hair -I'm talking about straight-out-of-a-photoshoot kind of hair. He also must be tall, handsome, wears shiny armor, owns a white horse, and a prince.

He would be the one who would pick you up from your miserable life and pave a path for the both of you to live happily ever after.

Disney also taught us that once you have found "the one", then you need to make sure that you would 'move in' with them even if you have no idea who that person is; a stranger -Which is in fact very bad.

This has caused parents around the globe to have major headaches because at the age of 16 -or younger- their child wants to move out of the house and move in with some random dude. Okay, to be fair, with some random handsome dude.

Now, why am I babbling about the stupidity of Disney?

This is why ->

"I found him!" A random girl shrieked as if she is a banshee in a zoo from the other side of the hall, "I found him! I found the one!!!"

A -a week later-

"I thought he loved me!!" The same random girl cried loudly.

A week ago, she wore a smile that can brighten up the whole room, and now, she is a teary-eyed girl with makeup running down from her eyes.


-From the whiniest person that you love, CrazyHater.

Smiling at my laptop, I reread what I wrote and sent it, letting the power of technology send it everywhere.

Don't get me wrong, I love Disney. The Tarzan soundtrack was the bomb and don't get me started with Lion King. I also really like the Disney Princess, especially Mulan -because she's a baddie- but it's just so unrealistic.


I looked down at my laptop and can't help the smirk that immediately crawled on my lips. There was a new comment coming from @DivaBeauty -talk about having lame usernames, I know. But then again, I really should not say much because I am one to talk. CrazyHater? Really?

I scoffed at my own thoughts and read the comment that says, "@CrazyHater I disagree with you, princesses are not stupid. Are you calling the past princesses like Diana and that other Kate girl stupid?!"

Wow. This girl is stupid.

I stretched out my fingers and was ready to type a long reply but stopped when I remembered that I should not mind these types of comments.

Doing this content would surely -without a doubt- gather tons of negative feedback coming from the people who belong to the other side of the coin, the ones who have different opinions.

And so, I stopped and simply closed my laptop. I exhaled a quick breath and shoved it inside my bag. There would be a lecture in my Bio class later, so I should bring the textbook too.

"Chloe!" My best friend's voice rang throughout the hallway which made me automatically smile. Archel Viminion, a brunette who is kind of a... Well, a slow person- At times! She is like Cat in Nickelodeon's old show Sam and Cat - At times! Okay, probably not at times, maybe a little bit sometimes.

"Have you heard? CrazyHater just updated his blog!" She grins widely while showing me her phone screen where there is indeed a notification that I just updated.

You're probably thinking, "there are people, like any human being, reading my blog?!" Of course, yes. I am every dumb bimbo girl's nemesis and the debater club's best friend. My identity as being @CrazyHater is hidden; because if it was not, then I'll probably be buried ten ft. underground.

"Nice." I shrugged, acting like I did not care, but inside, my ego is bursting like fireworks! She walks toward her locker, which was right beneath mine. "Give me a sec," I told her.

"No rush," She waved me off as she eagerly scrolls through her phone, "let me read this for a while."

"Alrighty." I covered my smile by burying my face inside my locker. I took a pad of paper and shoved it in my bag. Zipping it shut, I closed my locker shut and moved away so that Archie can open hers. I asked her, "all done?"

"Yes," She sighs out dreamily, "he talked about Disney stereotypes and I agree with him. Have you read it?"

I crossed my arms on my chest, "What do you think?" As far as she knows, I am not a "fan" of CrazyHater.

"Ugh, Chlo!" She pouts while opening her locker, "I do not understand why you're so Alien about him!"

Alien? I leaned on the locker beside ours and continued to stare at her. Raising an eyebrow, I asked. "Alien?"

"Yes, Alien." She nodded, "You're acting as if you belong on Mars! I mean, he's C R A Z Y H A T E R, despite his name, he's really lovable and courageous for voicing out his opinions!"

I find it amusing that she assumes that CrazyHater is a 'he', that I'm a 'he'. I chuckled loudly, "You're calling me an extraterrestrial just because I'm not a fan of CrazyHater?"

"YES!" She slammed her locker shut and faced me. "You should definitely check his blogs out."

With a scoff, I shook my head. "No thanks."

"Wait!" She gasps loudly, "Do I have Gov today?"

I held in a laugh. "Yes, you do."

"Thank you, lemme get my book." She gives me a sheepish smile before she starts unlocking her locker once again. "What would I do without you?"

"Let's not think about the possibility." I smiled.

"Back to the topic," She continued, "you should definitely read his works. It's so relatable and true. He reminds me so much of you!" She paused. "Actually, if I am not completely in love with him, then I would definitely think that you and he are the same people."

I gulped before giving off an awkward laugh shakily. "Yeah, let's not think about the possibility."

"That would be weird." She laughs loudly while cringing. "After all, he could be a tall hunky man -and I'm talking about six-foot-three tall, and my prince charming."

I muffled a laugh. Oh Archie, what would be your reaction once you'll learn that CrazyHater is me? A female? Not a hunky man and definitely not anyone's prince charming?

Deciding to drift her mind out of the topic, I asked jokingly, "So, since you're talking about how much you love this internet sensation, then does not mean that you don't love Ivan?"

Ivan is Archie's best friend since diapers until sophomore year. Until sophomore year since she said 'yes' when Ivan asked her to be "his". Ivan has brown hair, black eyes, and a strong jaw.

I swear they are the only couple I believe that has the crappy 'true love' crap. I mean, including my parents and grandparents of course.

Ivan is also the reason why I have to see JerkAss's face every day. And that's because JerkAss is his best friend; I pity Ivan. I really do.

She stopped, then answered seriously, "I love Ivan."

I laughed, "I know. I know. You're whipped!"

"And?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing.Nothing." I gulped seeing that she is serious. She may be clumsy at times, but when she's dead serious, she is deadly serious... and scary.


I groaned loudly but Archie just shrieked and ran towards Ivan who has JerkAss on his tow.

"BABE!" I don't know why she calls him a pig though. You know, Babe the pig? No? Okay...

"I gotta go now," I said while slamming her locker shut for her. I do not want that horrible creature to ruin my day.

JerkAss smirked, "leaving the party so soon, Porter?"

"Yeah, coz some monster just ruined it, Langston." I snarled. I never call him by his first name, just like he never calls me by my first name. I believe that only the people I respect deserves to be called by their first names.

Groans came out from my best friend and her beau. Archie pouts at me. "What did he do now?"

I answered nonchalantly, "he revealed his horrible face."

"What did he ever do to you Chlo?" Ivan asked while he wraps an arm around Archie.

I blinked. "He was born."

"CHLOE!" Ivan and Archie yelled at the same time.

"Aww." JerkAss mocks with a pout. "That hurts me."

I glare at him. "You're annoying."

He smirked, "Then I'm doing a great job."

I glare harder. "I hate you."

He winks. "I don't like you."

I groaned exasperatedly, "shut up!"

He smirks, "I'll shut up if you'll shut up."

"No," I snarled. "I'll shut up if YOU'LL shut up!"


The morning bell rang which is my cue to leave. I exhaled loudly and faced Archie. "I'm leaving," I said with a small wave as I turn around.

"Hold on!" Archie yelled, "What's my password for my school account again?"

"Your anniversary date with Ivan."

"It's my anniversary date with Ivan?" She asked out loud. Suddenly, I heard a snicker, a thud, then followed by a groan. I bet JerkAss snickered which made Ivan hit him.

I slowed down on my tracks to correct her, "No, the password is your anniversary date with Ivan."

"Oh, right, right!" She laughs sheepishly. "What would I do without you?"

I shook my head with a small smile and fixed my backpack strap as I jogged away.

Hey, I told you she's slow like Cat -sometimes!