(12) The bad boy isn't as bad as he seems

I've always thought that running away with a boy who wears a chicken suit daily is stupid.

Okay, I actually never thought about it before because it seems impossible. I mean, Archie would never wear a chicken suit, my other friends are too snobby to actually wear one, and the only person I know wearing it is my enemy.

So, really, the idea of running away with Langston is impossible.

But I guess nothing's impossible.

My blonde hair covered my sight as we ran for our lives. I feel each drop of sweat that runs down on my forehead and it is the most absolute uncomfortable thing ever. I looked at Langston to see him having his game face on. He's really focused on running right now.

While I look like a fat man who just barely finished a marathon, Langston here looks like a damn model attending his own photoshoot.

Lucky guy.

"Where," I panted. "Are," Pant. "We," Pant. "Go-" Pant, "-ing?" Running, or any form of exercise really has never been my forte. I really don't run that often. If I will run, then it's because I have to. I will only run if it's necessary; if I need to. One of the few examples would be when I'm out of shampoo or sanitary napkin. I've never considered running if someone would decide to chase me. My brain never wandered to that concept because that's impossible.

Again, I guess nothing's impossible.

Langston said with a husky voice, "To my secret spot."

"YOU HAVE A SECRET SPOT!?" I shouted with a little pant.

Langston hissed, "Shut up!"

"You have a secret spot?" I whispered.

He facepalmed.

Suddenly, we heard a loud roar of a car's engine. Turning around, I almost had a heart attack when I saw three jeepneys that have angsty-looking gangsters.

Holy macaroni with gigantic pepperoni!

"Uh," I gulped, "Langston?"

He grunts, "I know." He stopped abruptly.


He bends down, "Jump behind me, you're too slow!"

Why thank you. I eat a lot and barely work out to get that compliment.

I glared at him, "I don't need your help."

His eyes widened, obviously irritated, "Just jump!"


I jumped behind him and then he dashed towards a random motorcycle. If he's planning to steal it, then there's no way that he could do it. He doesn't have any supplies or anything. His only chance would be if someone left the keys in the ignition. But that's too convenient and impossible.

But when am I gonna learn that nothing is impossible?

Langston had to be a hero who saved mankind in his past life because the odds are in his favor. He gave me a smirk.

"We're not stealing a bike, Langston. That's illegal!"

"I don't see any cops. Haven't you heard? If there are no cops, there is no law."

I facepalmed. "Is that the most famous phrase for you criminals?"

I felt him tense before feeling the hard ground hit my butt. He dropped me!

I complained as I stood up and rub my butt, "THE HECK!?"

He jumps on the bike with gritted teeth. He looks angry. "Hop on."

Not wanting to get killed, I hopped behind him.

"Put your arms around me."

"No way, Jerk face," I said stubbornly,

Then we suddenly took off, catching me off guard.

I immediately wrap my arms around him tightly,


The wind blew on my face as I squeezed my arms tightly around his waist. I took a deep breath and expected to smell a sweaty stinky smell. But he's Reed freaking Langston. He doesn't smell bad at all. Actually, he still smells the same. That would be Penshoppe's body spray with Street Vandal as the scent.

How did I know? I saw the bottle in their living room once.

Hey, his parents and my parents are best of friends, I'm not a stalker.

I looked behind us, to see if those murderous idiots are still chasing us.

And lookie here, they're still there.

"Uh Langston, hate to break this to you but... THEY'RE RIGHT BEHIND US!"

"Shit." He grunted, then I felt the bike speeding up,

Holy crappy macaroni!

"Fuck, shit, crap, bull shit" He grunted all those colorful words, following his sight, I gulped loudly when I saw one of them got out from the window with a gun in his hand.

"Oh no," I whispered, I look back at Langston and said, "Tell me that you have a plan,"

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Then the bike drifts to the right so fast that I almost fell. I'm so thanking my lucky stars that I was clinging to this mean person.

I stole a glance to my right and see that we were off in the woods.

Ducking my head, I bury my face to Langston's neck deeper, smelling his musky scent.

All I can hear were gunshots and angry shouts coming from behind us. I didn't dare to look back.

I do know that Langston hasn't been shot since I can feel the bike turning in different directions.

Minutes later, I felt the bike slowing down until it finally stopped.

"Come on." Langston said, "We're here."

I shook my head and hugged him tighter.

He laughs, "Were you really worried earlier?"

"Of course I wasn't. I'm just under this traumatic trance just because I saw your face," I snapped sarcastically, which made him laugh louder.

Finally, after a few moments, he stops with a sigh, "Let's go."

I was silent for a few seconds before whispering, "What if they're there?"

"Impossible," He jokes, "I should've been dead by now."

"What if they're hiding and waiting for me to get down then kill me?"

"Like what I said, I should've been dead by now."

"What if there's a death trap once I hop out of this bike? Like what if there is a very sharp thread waiting for my foot down there? What if one of them disguises to be a bush, with props and all, then jump at me and kill me? What if I get shot once I step away from this vehicle!? What if, huh? What if?"

Silence answered me for a couple of seconds before it was replaced by his laugh, "... You have one wild imagination."


He laughs again, "Seriously? A Deathtrap? On the floor? Are you shitting me? Oh, oh! And those morons disguising themselves as bushes? Gold!" He chuckles, "Did you forget that they are the ones with guns?"

I facepalmed, "You're missing the point here."

"No." He snaps at me, "You're the one missing the point. I want some hot choco woman, so get off me so I can enjoy this wonderful place."


I look up and my jaw immediately hit the ground.

Oh my gosh.

We were on the top of a mountain, literally! I can see the city lights from afar, but I can't hear those annoying sirens. There was a vintage-looking cabin in the center. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It looks cozy. This actually reminds me of Goldilocks.


I asked in awe, "How long did it take for us to get here?"

"two and a half, or something." Knowing him, he probably smirked.

I looked around in pure amazement. Wow.

Wait, two hours?

"What time is it?" I asked before looking down at my wristwatch: 7 pm.


"You know, you're weird." He chuckles, "You were the one who asked the question, and you're also the one answering your own question."

I simply rolled my eyes and felt relieved.

If they were there, they should've killed us when we were talking earlier.


I let go of Langston's waist and surprisingly, I immediately felt cold.

That's weird.

"Finally!" Langston jumps off the bike in ease like it was just a-b-c.

I tried following him, you know, putting my leg to the other side of the bike to get off, but it seems as if I'm too overwhelmed because I can't carry it properly. Yes, I can't move my legs.

Oh shit.

I heard him chuckle, which made me look at the smirking jerk.

"Need help? Shorty?"

Ex-ca-use me?

I'm 5'4 for heaven's sake, it's not my fault that I look like a dwarf with his 6'4.

"I'm not shorty, tally." It was my smart remark.

"Tally? Seriously? That's the best you can do?"

I pursed my lips, "As you can see," I pointed my limped leg, "My brain is not working very well."

He rolled his eyes, "Sure."

I smiled sheepishly before raising both of my arms. It's a subtle indicator that I want him to carry me down.

Groaning, he wrapped his hands around me and carried me, before putting me down, "Damn, you're heavy for your fun-size size."

Slapping his arms, I glared at him,

Now, my only problem is standing straight.

Suddenly, strong arms were wrapped around my waist and when I look up, I was shocked to see Langston doing the job. I murmured a quick thank you before finding my balance.

We were walking towards the cabin when he suddenly opens his huge mouth, "I don't get it."

"You don't get what?" I asked,

"You're always glaring at me, and yet there's no trace of any wrinkles in your face, Hey," Then he stopped, which made me stop since he's like my crane right now, "Are you doing those shitty operations where you'll make sure that your face isn't wrinkly?"

Uh... "Do you mean Botox?"

"Are you sure it's botox? Isn't that for the butt? I mean, bot, butt, same shit."

"Shut up." I snapped silently, which made him shrug, and continued walking.


We entered the cabin, which made me frown because he owns the key. Meaning, he owns this cabin.

"Where are we?"

Oh my God...

I whispered, "This is it? Is it?"

He sighs, "This is what?"

I burst into tears, "Those monsters earlier, they were just your minions weren't they?"


I knew it!

"This was just a trap, for you to kill me!" It is the only logical reason why he'll bring me outside the town, isolated from everyone and on the top of the mountain where no one can hear my pleas.


"The reason why your minions followed us was just a reason for you to make sure I won't run or call for mom! You knew that I'd never followed you or let you bring me anywhere!"

What would he do first? Kill me then torture me? Wait, that doesn't make any sense, he'll probably torture me then kill me! Or he'll torture me then leave me here until I'll die from hunger!

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You're going to kill me!"

"I wouldn't!"


"To give you some answers."

Wait, what?


"I know you want some answers, and I was like, why not bring you somewhere where no one can judge me?" Then he led me to the back door, where there was a comfy-looking cushion and a view that is to die for.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

I was about to say the view was beautiful, when I asked, "Please tell me you've never brought girls here before,"

He chuckled, "I've never brought any girls in here before."

"Is that the truth or are you just saying that just because I told you to say it?"

He rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, princess, I've never really brought any girl in here."


He has never brought any girl in here before, which means, I'm the first girl who knows this cabin! I bet not even his mom knows about this!

"I feel so special," I muttered.

"Don't flatter yourself, I consider you as a boy."

And my self-respect for him was gone again,

"You called me princess earlier. Ha!" I pointed my finger at the both of us, "I have the bigger hand here."

He smirked, "But I know your little secret, so yeah, I'm the boss,"

I smirked again, so he wants to go there huh? "Then again, I know your little chicken problem, so yeah, I'm your boss,"

He raised an eyebrow, "But, I own this place, don't you think you should be scared since I might kill you so you'll keep your mouth shut? Forever?"

"I DID!"

He frowned, "So you want some answers or not?"

Changing topics.

Going with the flow, I nodded.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll go and make hot cocos,"

"Wait," I called, "What if I'll say something you don't like? Will you kill me?"

He just smirked,

Is he serious!?


Sipping through my sweet hot cocoa, I look at the dark skies and smiled intently when I saw there were many bright stars showing up, even the moon was bright. Langston did a great choice on picking this spot, it's amazing.

"So, is this your place or your parents?"

He smiled, taking one sip on his hot choco before answering me, "Mine,"

That's what they say.


I took another sip.

Earlier, I might have thought sitting beside a moron like Langston is the worst scenario ever and it's impossible.

Then again, I proved a lot of things that nothing is impossible.

Talking about earlier, I remembered the giant who lost over Langston.

Wow, that must have been a big, huge, ouchy punch in his ego.

"Hey, Langston,"


'... Isn't it awkward having a friend with the same name as yours?"

"For the millionth time, what?"

"Your friend, Reed."

"Are you shitting me?"

I frowned at him, "Red hair? Texan accent dude? The one at the Underground?"

His eyes widened, "You mean Red?"


I knew it was Red.

"Oh, he was Red..."

He laughed, "Chloe, it isn't hard to remember his name, I mean, his hair color says his name!"

"Of course," I muttered,

"Don't worry though, Red is just his fighter's name, his real name is Adam,"

Are you kidding me?

"Adam? Isn't that quite far from his fighter's name?"

He smirked, "Do you know Adam Levine?"


"The band's name is MAROON 5, he doesn't want his pen name to be Maroon since it's somewhat near Adam."

"Langston, your pen name is Langster, isn't that near with Langston?"

He raised an eyebrow, "No one calls me Langston or JerkAss. Just you honey, just you."

I pierced my lips, "Why are you even fighting in the Underground? You're an heir, your parents are loaded, I mean, for Christ's sake, you're having your allowance added in your bank account every hour!" I sighed, "All I'm asking is, why experience pain and suffer when you can get your prize in one snap?"

He took a sip in his hot choco, before putting it down and lays down on the comfy cushion. "Come on." He invited, patting the space beside him.

Hell no,

"No thanks, I'm fine here,"


"Fine." I groaned, drinking all my hot choco, I put it down and walked beside him, before laying down and look above,

"Have you ever bought something with your own money? Not the money anyone would give to you, but the money you have to earn? And that something you bought made you so happy?"

Thinking about it, I've bought some things with my own money, like the ones I've earned during babysitting sometimes.

"Uh, yeah?"

"What is it?"

"My teddy bear." I felt my cheeks burn at the sound of that.

What kind of a 17 going 18-year-old girl loves teddy bears?

My kind.

He laughed, "That's okay, I guess."

Wanting to change the topic, I asked, "What about you? What's your greatest gift?"

I twisted my head to the right and look at him sternly,

I saw a smile forming on his lips, "I bought this land."


I look back up, "Well, that explains it."

He continued, "I want to learn things I've never known. Did you really think dad would give me training starting from the lowest to the top? I mean, if I didn't want to, I could've backed out, then dad would give me the company without a second doubt since I'm the only heir."

Wait, 'If I didn't want to,'

He really did want to learn from the lowest to the top,

I look at Langston, "If I'll call you Reed, would it be weird?"


I smiled, I twisted my head back to the right to look at him, and said, "What is your second name?"


I chuckled, "Come on, seriously, it can't be that bad."

He finally turned his head to me, "It's Edward."


"Reed Edward Langston." I spoke out loud, then I look at him straight in the eyes, "Was Sylvia drunk when she picked your name? Or was she still high in the pain reliever?"

"I know right," Langston laughed, "What's yours?"

I smiled, "Nothing,"

He frowned, "Hey, you're unfair! I told you mine. I think you should return the favor."

I grinned, "I promise, I don't have one. Just Chloe, just Chloe Porter."

"Guess I'll call you Chlo."

I grinned wider, "I like that. I'll call you Edward,"

His grin faded and was replaced with a frown, "no,"

'Fine, Edward it is."

"No!" He sat up,

"Fine, just Langston."

His grin came back, "Perfect."