(15) Liar liar, pants on... water?

"Please tell me you brought a mask... Or anything that can cover my face." I gave Langston my puppy look face, "This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever done!"

Langston hissed at me, "You're not the one wearing the chicken suit here. Besides," He coughed, "Patrick said I'll get a promotion after doing this."

"Really? Showing up outside the Big Apple with a chicken suit is worth the promotion? Are you kidding me?" I mean, we flew all the way from our home, Denovan, to this crowded and noisy city. New York.

He just shrugged.

I gave him a glare."What is the promotion, anyway?" I asked him while fluffing his wings gently.

He looked at me sheepishly, "Well..."

----3 days later---

"So, how does being a messenger feels like?" I asked Langston with a teasing smile, which by the way annoys the hell out of him.