Chapter 11


Neither Jace nor Lissa moved.

Stephanie was frozen stiff.

Lissa just...stared.

Lissa couldn't understand. She don't think she'll ever be able to understand, why. Lissa felt Jace beside her trying to figure out what she was feeling. Trying to decipher what sort of emotion she was experiencing.

Lissa didn't even know what she was feeling, every emotion inside of her was jumbled up. Lissa didn't know whether she should have been angry, or whether she should've felt guilty for neglecting Steph, for not seeing her that much after finding out about the cancer, or should she have been understanding, and realise that it was just to much for Steph to handle?

What could have been the reason?

Was it Lissa?

Was it Steph's parents?

Was it the school?

Or...was it just Steph's decision?

An impulsive, reckless, irresponsible decision that not only affected Lissa's life, but Steph's parents lives as well.