

“So this is the company?” I asked Samantha. She smiled and nodded.


“Aren’t you gonna work with me?”



“Because” she sighed and took out a piece of paper from her bag. “I have got a job here”

“Oh you didn’t tell me!”

“I am so sorry”

“You are so weird”

“Just for now. Well, go inside. You see the building? This is such a big company. You are so lucky to get a job here!”

I sighed. “But why did the CEO gave me a job here even without an interview!” I asked the third time. She has brought me here, saying that I got the job. But honestly, I haven’t even applied here and not even interviewed with them.

I just came because I trust her. I know if she is saying, first, it can’t be any joke because she knows how broken we are to joke about this stuff and secondly, well, I trust her on everything. We have been best friends from more than a decade.

“Well, how can I know that?”

“So why did you contact such a weird CEO?”

“Well, are you saying I got a bad job for you?” She made a hurt face. “Okay, don’t go here!”

“Ah ah Sam, why are you sad now? I am going, I am going”

“Good,” she smiled.

Huh. She is such a drama queen.

I sighed. “Are you coming too?”

“The deal was just me leaving you here. Go inside and do your best”

I sighed again. “Okay!”

“Yes. Bye Hannah”

“Bye Sam”

She smiled and left. Now this is hell of a problem. I don’t even know the CEO and I already have the job by some mysterious way and who the hell appoints its employees without knowing them?

I went inside the company. I went to the reception and told my name. It seems as if she was so happy that I was ‘finally’ here. I scoffed. They don’t even know me, I am not a celebrity!

“Please go right here” she pointed towards her right. I nodded and went there. I took a deep breath and entered the room.

I was shocked to see who was there.


Sam can’t do this to me.

“Hey, Hannah,” I heard Ryan.