“Don’t you dare call me that” I got to the side and then to the stairs. “And you should stay away because the next time you try to come close, I am gonna file a harassment report”
“Oh Hannah, why are you so serious. I am not harassing you”
“You are, because I don’t want you near. Why don’t you understand a simple thing that I HATE and only HATE you?”
“Uh not again, Hannah, we both know what’s true in that--”
“You are so self obsessed now Ryan” I didn’t wanna continue the same conversation again so I went upstairs again.
I locked the door and sat down on the bed. I am so fed up with all this. I have to do something. I can’t live with Samantha anymore. She is acting like a completely different person and she didn’t even reach out to apologise or something.
I messaged her.
“I am moving out, so return my headphones”
Okay, that just boiled my blood. She had just no problem with that! Uh this is fucking insane! How can she act so indifferent? Like whatever, but she acted like she cares so much about me till the morning.
I hate cheaters.
I hate actors.
I left it seen and closed my eyes. This all felt like a nightmare. Everything Was being ruined again partly due to Ryan but I was thankful that I was able to see the reality of Samantha by this.
How can she act all these years? For what?
I got up and took out all my stuff and packed my luggage. It is so good that I have enough money to rent another place.
It is not like I don’t have money at all. If I want, I can ask mom about it. But I will not, because I promised that I will return to them after I make them proud and it will seem so bad if I go back to ask for money.
I made sure that nothing was left and then took a deep breath. I hope that Ryan has left because I don’t want another drama. I know I have to see him everyday but still I want to reduce as much as I can.
I opened the door and went downstairs. I saw her sitting. She got up and handed me my headphones. I really didn’t want these headphones, but rather I wanted to get her reaction to me moving out. But she clearly ignored that point.
I looked around for a second, he had left. I sighed and went out. I knew I would find a good place and settle down soon. It is better to be alone than being with fake people.
I took my car and checked everything once again and then started the car. I searched for someplace via the maps in the car. I got the nearest rent room.
I went there and went to the owner. I greeted them and asked them to please rent me a room. They were good to me and I got the room at a sensible rate.
I thanked them and went to the room. It was on the second floor.
I thanked them because they could have taken advantage of my situation and charged me higher. Although I think they have even reduced it a little than normal.
I smiled. Even good people are there, Hannah. I convinced myself.
I sat down on the bed in the room and kept the luggage on the floor. I am tired even though all I did was drive, drive and drive. Maybe I am mentally tired.
I laid down after locking the door. Oh what if they come and see me laying on the bed like a gorilla?
I took deep breaths and closed my eyes. I spread my legs and arms and felt comfortable. It was summer and so I turned on the air conditioner. I was gonna be better here, I know. Maybe a little uncomfortable all alone, but it is totally worth it. I know it.
I thought of sleeping for a while.
Max (Maximum Fernandes)
I was at my company. It was night so I went back to my house.
I rang the doorbell and she opened the door. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I went inside and she closed the door.
“Please bring me water” I said to her politely. She smiled and went to the kitchen.
She is… just a friend. Uh, actually this is complicated. She wants to be more than a friend, but I already told her it isn’t possible. But she thinks that she can make it possible, so uh… she is literally here to impress me.
Well, I can’t do anything. She has been completely obsessed with me for more than two years. I think she is not with me for my money, but she can be. You never know someone’s intentions.
It is not that I just don’t trust her, but also, I just don’t think I can love anyone else. Yeah, after Sam… it feels wrong. I mean, even though we aren’t together, every time I see or get close to any girl, it feels like I am cheating on her.
Oh that reminds me of ‘cheating on you’ by Charlie Puth.
She brought water and I drank it. She took the empty glass and kept it back in the kitchen. I know she is a good girl. She knows all of the house chores, she is lovely by nature and pretty. But I just can’t. It feels wrong. By this heart.
“You should rest now” she smiled and said.
I nodded and went to my room. I closed the room and slept.