Chapter 50

As stated before the people of Larylia were known for their high fashion designs. In all the ruins Aurelia and Zinjo explored all they found were crates of perfectly preserved clothing. They found twenty crates and brought Gael to examine their find. He frowned and then looked in the crates held up a gown and ran his hand down the fabric.

He smiled and threw his bandana in the air, "Larylian clothing is big with the royalty of the world. People still talk about the pageantry and the designer wars." He paused and shot a shrewd look in their direction, "You need more time don't you?"

"The mission has a complication," Aurelia said in a weak tone.

The cracked lips of Gael curved upward, "Do tell."

Over the next few minutes, Aurelia and Zinjo explained the situation and the divine creature.