the prow of the nightingale cut through the small waves while the wind pushed it along the watery surface. Gael held fast to the ship's steering wheel with Al' Miraj asleep on his shoulder. The grizzled ship captain had grown used to the ball of fur, and no longer complained about its presence. Aurelia and Zinjo spent their days keeping peace among the crew.
At night they would dine with Gael and talk about the next leg of the journey. Zinjo and Aurelia were anxious to get to Lemuria to find the runes required to make the witch trap bottles. That night it was vegetable stew, again.
Zinjo blanched, "We need to hunt soon. I am not a caterpillar, I require something a little more substantial," he ate with a childish expression on his face.
"You're acting like a cub," Aurelia observed. Fierce hunger clawed her stomach and begged for something bloody and tender. "Although Zinjo speaks correctly, I could use something more than vegetables to eat."