Zinjo gripped the partisan with a grim intensity as he saw the men race through the trees, and Gael put a pair of cestus over his knuckles and wore a wry grin. Aurelia moved her feet shoulder-width apart and sniffed the air. She smelled a lot of things human was not one of them.
"They aren't human," Zinjo said before Aurelia could utter a word. "What should we do?"
The Al' Miraj leaped off Gael's shoulder, and its horn started to glow, "Looks like the little guy knows something is up. If they are not human, what are they?"
Zinjo stalked forward, "I have no idea, but we will not find out anything by standing around." He stuck to the hunting trail.
The trees were more twisted and gnarled, "Is the land poisoned?" Aurelia picked up a skull-shaped pine cone. A fanged frog growled and vanished with a splash into a nearby pond.