Everything went still in the presence of Kivuli. Ayasu tried to push Sahiri and Aurelia behind her. Kivuli twisted his dark form until he stood as a man. His clothes were unlike any Aurelia had seen, a long white robe with gold-threaded lapels. His face bore tribal markings from a bygone age when the lions were human. A purple glow surrounded the serpentine eyes. Rows and rows of long sharpened teeth gleamed bright against his blackened form.
Behind him was the source of the footsteps dozens and dozens of grey-skinned, bat-eared humanoids with holes drilled into their skulls looked toward the darkness for guidance. Their eyes shone with devotion.
"I am Kivuli, and who are you to trespass into my city?" A hand adjusted the spectacles, "I don't have time to entertain guests. Not when I am on the verge of my monumental discovery. The answer I have sought for so long is in my grasp." Madness held onto Kivuli's voice.