Chapter 87

Luckily for Aurelia, Zinjo and Nian Chose to return to the ship early that night. Gael managed to get the other ships supplied and ready for the trip back to Shadowfen. Sophie locked herself in a cabin and refused to open the door for anyone, "I have nothing further to say to my traitorous daughter," She said before the door slammed shut.

Tang Sai joined Han Xin up in the crow's nest, "I sense a lot of family drama on the horizon, and I'd rather not be a part of it."

Ayasu headed toward Sophie's cabin, "I will speak to her, mother to mother, perhaps she will see reason," the lioness didn't make a noise as she approached the barricaded door.

Aurelia headed to the bow of the ship and leaned against the railing. She stared out into the endless waves and sighed. The princess felt the loving arms of Zinjo wrap around her waist. Aurelia leaned back and allowed her to kiss him, "How do you manage to find trouble where ever you go?" Zinjo smiled as he spoke.