Aurelia and Zinjo held each other as night fell over the city of Venmere. They both knew this would either herald a new age for Shadowfen or end in their death. The entire plan hinged on the greed of the Cheval Mallet herd terrorizing the outskirts of Venmere.
"Do you think the accursed beasts will come for their victims?" Zinjo caressed Aurelia's hair and held her tight.
Aurelia laid her head on his shoulder and stroked her husband's chest, "If they don't. I have a backup plan. You won't like it."
"You plan to lure them using the Anzu form?" Zinjo chuckled, "I know you too well, dark princess. You will try to save everyone, as always," He kissed her.
"I don't see a better way, do you?"
"Nian and I could taunt them, but I suspect they will sense we are not easy prey. Your idea is much more workable. Nian's men will signal us when the herd arrives."