Aurelia and Zinjo awoke early the next day. They opted for a good night's rest, above an evening of passionate lovemaking. They both made a silent agreement to hold off until they achieved their goals. Nian and Tang Sai met them outside the inn. Aurelia inhaled the scents of home. The familiar aroma of bread and laughter of families around the breakfast table strengthened her resolve to bottle up Lebende.
Zinjo's new armor allowed him more freedom of movement. The helmet and neck guard added a layer of protection to his neck, which provoked gratitude in Aurelia. "Sojobo flatters me with such a gift," He commented.
Nian walked around Zinjo, "I have seen such suits on Tengu before. Many a great swordsman ended a duel with A tengu because the armor is difficult to pierce."
"Pfft," Tang Sai scoffed, "What do a bunch of birds know about ground fighting. Now, if you want solid protection, ask Han Xin. He used to be a blacksmith before the Clockwork guild stole our people from us."