The irritation in his eyes was gone and I just stared at him as he gave a breathtaking smile to my parents. Then his eyes landed on Olivia. He looked at her for a moment, frowned a bit until his eyes fluttered to meet my wide eyes.

And then in a picosecond, his charming smile dropped and his lips pressed in a straight line. His eyes hardened and they openly glared at me causing me to shrink back a little in fear. Nobody's gaze, or rather glare had ever intimidated me so much. He looked extremely scary when he glared at me like that. It was like he was trying very hard to send me six feet under with his glare.

Probably sensing the tension at the table, Mrs. Jenson cleared her throat. "Well, this is getting awkward." She muttered under her breath.

"Um...let's start dinner," Olivia said as her stomach made a low grumble.

"Yeah," I said, looking away from Ethan Evans' murderous glare.