"Honey, that fish is already dead. Why are you trying to kill it again?" Charlotte Jenson asked me with a worried frown on her face.
We were all seated at the dinner table. It was a day after that stupid prank Ethan pulled on me and my anger still knew no bounds. My blood was still boiling.
I hadn't realized what exactly I was doing to the fish as I was more busy imagining Ethan as that fish and doing what I wanted to do with him, stab him to death.
Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the dinner table, right in front of mine. I was pleased with myself to at least get him to feel a little uncomfortable in my presence.
"Sorry," I said quietly and grimaced down at the fish on my plate. In the process of stabbing it over and over again I had also gouged it's eye out. I would've been very happy if it was Ethan in its place and not that poor fish.