Chapter 6: Flowers

"W-welcome. Please make yourself uncomfortable- rather, comfortable." he said 'uncomfortable' because that was what he's feeling.

Adam is with Suzuki in his bedroom. No, it is not because of what you're thinking.

Both of them sat at a chair facing a table. The room was in a young lady's fashion, which made it seem like it wasn't Adam's room but rather Suzuki's.

"Thank you, Adam. Once again, I'm really sorry about earlier. That was the first time I've seen my lady smile so brightly. Please, drink this." Suzuki hands a cup of tea to Adam.

" It's nothing much. I did it for myself-{Sip} Urk! What the hell is this? Grass?" he grimaced as he brought out his tongue.

"It's ashitaba tea, a famous medicine at the East most particularly the city of Nihon." the elf giggled before taking a sip as well.

"You sure know a lot about the East." Adam pushed the tea aside.

"It's because The East is where my home city lies. Do you want to hear more about it?" She leans her chin on her palms.

"S-sure." he leaned forward awkwardly, mimicking her.

"Very well then. You see, I lived in The Great City of Nihon. There were 2 parts there, the Urban and the Rural. I grew up in the Rural. Rice paddings were scattered everywhere you look, and mountain ranges encircled our town. I remember rolling over the grass there as a child and climbing trees with my friends using our bare hands, eating Onigiri prepared by my mother afterwards. I can tell my youth was fun." She smiled as she told her narrative.

Adam couldn't match her gaze so he looked at the window. But, there were lovebird flocking so he just stared at the tea.

"It does sound fun. Also, what is Onigiri?" Adam tensed up. He's asked even though he already knew.

"An Eastern recipe. It's a ball of rice. We cook rice and make balls of it using our hands. Sometimes, with meat in the center. I personally love chicken as the filling." Suzuki smiled at her daydream.

"Oh, that sounds delicious… W-what about the Urban? Have you been there?" He doesn't know how to prolong the conversation.

"I did, once. Compared to the Rural, the Urban is massive! Unlike Rural that is filled with greenery, the Urban is filled with ginormous buildings! I remember trekking up a tower. Up top, you can see all of the Urban! Did you know what they called it?" she leans forward.

"W-what?" Adam leans backwards.

"They called it the 'Tokyo Tower'. It was absolutely HUGE!" she stood up and flashed her arms up high. It was sunny that time, so rays of light entered through the window and made a silhouette of her curvy body through her clothes.

"Oh yes, it's indeed huge- I mean, sounds fun." Adam sipped his tea just because he needs to put his mind off of it. Grandmother was right, it grows on you.

"Also, back in The Rural, we have temples where you can have your fate guessed!" she returns to her table.

"Guessing your fate?" he's genuinely interested this time.

"Yes. The Rural is famous for it. It is usually held at the Shrine of Karuma. Maybe… When I return one day, I will take you with me as thanks!" she smiled brightly. The embarrassed young man gazed away.

"Are you okay? You're beet red. {Gasp} Did you catch my lady's-"

"No! No! I am perfectly healthy! I-it is just the weather. Anyways, I need to- Um, go to Grandmother. Bye!" He rushed outside the room leaving a confused Suzuki.

Without looking back, he ran towards the comfort room and for a good while, he calmed himself down.

(Calm down Adam. You have stayed here for too long, you probably won't be able to see her again once you leave. It is best to cut these feelings. And why was I uncomfortable in MY OWN ROOM?) Adam sighed. He have never felt so defeated since he lost to his Uncle.

[It's because you're a VIRGIN.'] Gilgan laughed, as if looking down at the poor young man.

(Of course, the elder sister brags about chastity in front of her 12 year old brother.)

[I saw everything you know? You were pitiful… Now that I think about it, the name I gave you suits you perfectly because your 'light' down there is too little.] Gilgan laughed even more.

(Go to sleep. And don't ever wake up.)

Adam came out of the toilet with wrinkled brows. He checked his thing down there before clicking his tongue. Gilgan's happy outburst intensified.

(How I wish that you can't use my eyes. Just you wait, you cursed nymph. In a couple of years I'll use this thing to scare you and exert dominance.')

Suddenly, a group of maids were frantically dashing around here and there. They look troubled.

"What is happening? " he interrupted a sweaty maid on her way.

"T-the Grandmaster! She's-"

"Adam!" his Uncle yelled for his name with distress.

The grandson enter his grandmother's chambers. Inside, she was surrounded by weeping maids and butlers. The confused Adam went nearer but was shocked to see a pale and weak old lady lying on the bed.

"M-mother… S-she's…" Uncle Prith's voice trembled with disbelief and mixed feelings. He didn't knew what face to make.

"Suzuki, I… am sorry. I adopted you in hopes of bringing back a child I loved so dearly. I tried to whip you into my own image, and saw your flaws as the problem when in fact, they were your appeal." Grandmother's voice was weak, but her feelings were strong.

The elf Suzuki rushed to her side and clasped her fragile-looking hands tightly-

"I… was so happy I ended up hiding inside your mines. I am so lucky that you found me and I found you. Not a single day did I think you were a hindrance. I love the way you put yourself first, when you interrupt my sentences and when you scold me whenever I made a mistake. Aishiteruyo, okasan (I love you dearly, mother)."

Her sobbing only intensified before kissing her mother's forehead. Feeling sorry, the only thing grandmother could do is kiss her hand.

Before Grandmother spoke to Adam, she requested privacy but asked Prith to stay for her.

"Adam." she called him in a weak and longing tone. Her grandson approached her and sat on the bed with an anxious look.

"Grandmother… What is-"

"I've never let you finish your sentences, don't I? You must've found it annoying. Anybody would."

"N-no, I-" Adam couldn't find what words to say. He doesn't know why she's ill nor what her sickness is, since just earlier they were talking sincerely.

"Adam, your grandmother has something to confess. Is it okay?"

"… yes." he averted his face and stared elsewhere.

"When you first came here, I knew what your request was about. But of course, you already knew that as well didn't you? You're a smart child after all."

Adam stayed silent.

"All I want to say is, thank you for spoiling me rotten. And also sorry, because I was-"

"Selfish? No, you're wrong. I told you right? It was your privilege, so don't say sorry." Adam spoke with a hard tone.

Grandmother closed the distance with him so she could clasp his shoulders.

"Are you mad at me? I understa-"

"NO! I- I'm just… I'm just-"

Grandmother lifted Adam's face for her to see. He was holding back his tears, but they fell the moment he saw her pale face. With a warm smile, she embraces him.

"Everyone is dying on me." he whimpered.

"… I'm sorry. Everyone will fade eventually-"

"I know that. But why? Why so suddenly! It was just like last time! I was just starting to… You didn't tell me." His tears started to come out of their own.

"I'm sorry. I wanted my final moments to be happy. It didn't play out as intended, though." She lightly chuckled.

The room was silent for a while. Nothing could be heard except the sorrowful cries of the sobbing boy. Prith was just watching everything, without a word and without motion.

"Can you leave me alone with your Uncle? Just for a moment."

"No!" He hugs her granny back.

Grandmother stared at his eyes before saying, "Please."

Adam left bitterly to respect her grandmother's wishes.

Everyone was outside waiting, still hopeful about their lady's health.

However, when Uncle Prith came out, he was pale and thoughtless. Suzuki asked about her mother, but his answer was his head slowly shaking while looking down.

In an instant, everybody cried as hardly as they can. Some even fainted.

Uncle Prith lethargically went towards his room while staring on the floor as if he's somewhere else.

"Uncle?" Adam followed him inside, still sniffling.

"Adam, it's you." he spoke, still staring on the ground.

"What were grandmother's final words?" the boy asked, attentive on what he is about to say. But, he chose to stay silent about it.

"Adam, could you leave uncle alone for now?" He glanced at him with tears flowing dripping from his chin. Seeing this, the shaken nephew silently followed his uncle's request.

After a week of colors, the mansion seemed so bleak for a day. The various luxuries didn't look as grand as they were before, and everything was dyed with grey.

Later that day, Adam decided to take a walk in hopes of temporary blissful ignorance. There in the garden of Adarnas, he lied on the flowerbeds, sniffing the aroma while facing the night sky covered with fog. He couldn't see the stars, but he does see the moons on the edge of the skies.


The cold evening breeze waved at him, followed by the rustle of flowers that gracefully pointed where the breeze went.

Adam's mind was adrift, flooded by thoughts questioning if the events are all because of him. He wanted to forget everything and just become a flower. That way, he would always be colorful, always beautiful. Just an ornament gracefully dancing to the wind's tune without a care in the world.


A petal landed on his nose.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" his uncle spoke beside him, also lying on the flowerbeds.

Adam stayed silent.

"The moon was the brightest like this as well during that night. The night when my Father died. I didn't feel much for him, for he only ever loved two things, Evelynn and money. Maybe just one, now that I think about it."

Adam still spoke no word.

"I hated her, you know." he stared at the moon. He picks up an adarna and smelled it thoroughly before placing it on his chest.

"Do you mind if I tell you a story?"

Uncle Prith peeked at Adam to see what he was doing. He fell asleep.

He snickered, and proceeded to talk anyways.