Almost got fired

Yoona entered Jk's cabin.

Yoona: M- Mr.Jk.

Jungkook was very busy typing in the computer. He just said to come inside.

Yoona: uhm.. Mr.Jk these are the files you asked me to complete. Here i kept it on the table. *she turned to leave*

Jk: Stop! Did i told you to go? *still focused on computer*

Yoona (thinking): This Man Arghhhh..

Jk: Sit.

Yoona(sat down): Mr.Jk, Do you have something to say?

Jk finally looked at her and widen his eyes seeing how beautiful she looked. His heartbeat automatically starts beating fast.He didn't even realized He intensely staring at her He was lost in her beauty.

Yoona: Mr.Jk? MR.JK!!

Jk: Huh? ahemm!! Hand me the files. I wanna check them Infront of you.

Yoona gave him the files. The moment he opened the files one by one he was angrier more and more. While Yoona was calm bcz she knows she did it perfectly as he wanted. And here he bursted out in anger.

Jk: Is this what you called done work?

Yoona: Yes ofcourse.

Jk: Did i called you at midnight just to see some BLOODY BLANK PAPERS??

Yoona flinched hard at his sudden yell.

Yoona: B-Blank papers? what are you saying, I completed the whole work without sleeping the entire night!

Jk: Look by yourself then.

Jk threw the papers at her and she was shocked to see the blank papers. The papers doesn't have a single word.

Yoona: Mr.Jk i swear i did the whole work by myself without even a 2 second rest. Why would i do that to risk my own job?!

Jk: Then explain me. How can the papers turn blank by their own?.

Yoona: I- I don't know..

Jk: Oh come on, now you're gonna tell me I turned them blank, right?

Yoona: No I'm not sayin-

Jk: You're fired.

Yoona: NO no Mr.Jk please i will find out why they are blank papers please try to understand

Jk: There's nothing left to explain.

Yoona: Mr.Jk please please give me one more chance just one more if i failed to prove you I'm right then I'll resign on my own.

Jk didn't gave anyone a chance but today seeing her condition he thought to give her a chance.

Jk: Just this one chance and you have to keep your words there's not coming back.

Yoona: Okay... Mr.Jk I'll surely prove you I'm not wrong.

With that yoona left from there. She was in the edge of crying but she controlled herself and started to find how the papers turned blank. Jk was also somehow feeling something fishy bcz he knows she doesn't make that type of big mistake but he shrugged it off.

(Will Yoona prove herself right? or will Eva's plan be successful? do share your opinions)