Silent treatment

3 weeks passed nowadays Jungkook is very busy in work and Yoona took day off for somedays bcz she was in her periods. It was breakfast time Yoona is now better at cooking so she made the breakfast and jungkook was getting ready for office.

Yoona: Jungkook you should eat first.

Jk: No I'm late.

He didn't even let her say something and left without saying anything.

Yoona: *sigh* Why he is acting so cold these days... He doesn't even glance at me and comes from office lately. He even scolded me yesterday for not knotting the tie perfectly and didn't even apologized for it. He don't even talk to me properly or reply back my messages. I guess he realised I'm not the right choice as his life partner...

Arghhh this period cramps are sooo irritating i should rest.

She drank some hot water and went to her room to rest.

It was 9.00pm Yoona was waiting for him even though she had really bad cramps. She was in the couch laying suddenly the door knocked. She immediately went to the door and opened it and as she knew it was Jungkook. She was about to say something but he ignored her and went inside. But she didn't said anything as he was really very tired.

Yoona: Jungkook! aren't you gonna eat??

Jk: No.

Yoona: But why?! you didn't even-

Jk: Yoona please don't bother me Can't you see I'm tired. I need rest.

Yoona: (murmured) But i was just worried...

He went to his room and Yoona just stood there like that processing what happened to him.

Yoona: I guess he's right.. I'll not bother him from now on. I'll not even ask him anything or even talk to him bcz he find me irritating right? Let's see then.

*Next day*

Jungkook came downstairs. But today Yoona was eating alone. She took a glance at him and again continued eating.

Jk: Ahem!!

Yoona: Breakfast?

Jk: No.

Yoona: ok *nom nom*

Jungkook was confused at her sudden changed behaviour but he just shrugged it off and left from there.

Yoona: I'm sure this silent treatment idea will work out Yesss Yoona you can do it!!

It was 9.00pm again and a tired Jungkook came. Yoona was sitting on the couch eating snacks and watching T.v. She knew Jungkook came but ignored him and continued watching t.v. Jungkook was waiting there if she would ask him for dinner or not.

Yoona: *glance at him* You back. Dinner?

Jk: I ate already.

Yoona: hmm.

Jk: I'll go sleep.

She didn't said anything so he went to his room.

The silent treatment continued for about 2 days now Even Yoona was used to it. They both were not talking to each other without any reason. But deep down jungkook was somehow feeling sad bcz of her behaviour.

And Jungkook came from office and didn't found Yoona on the couch as usual so he hurriedly went to his kitchen and felt relieved seeing her making dinner.

Yoona: *glance* you're back earlier today.

Jk: yeah..

Yoona: *silence*

Jungkook sighed and went to his room.

Yoona: *looks at him going upstairs* I don't think our relationship will work out like this jungkook.

Tears started to built in her eyes but controlled herself.

Yoona: I should talk to him and clear out things..

After sometimes she thought to go to his room. She knocked on the door two times and finally Jungkook told her to come. Yoona went inside and went near jungkook who was laying down on bed with blanket covering all over his body. Jungkook quickly got up and sat up straight.

Yoona: Jungkook, i think we should talk..

Jk: Sure what you wanna talk about.

He said being tired but excited. Yoona was confused at first seeing him like that.

Yoona:Are you okay??

Jk: y-yeah..*coughs*

Yoona: Jungkook..

She worriedly went near him and checked his forehead.

Jk: I'm okay..

Yoona: my gosh jungkook you have a high fever. Why didn't you told me!!

Jk: It's *coughs* ok...

Yoona: NO!! Nothing is ok.

She quickly went downstairs and came back with medicines and a wet cloth.

Jk: What are you doing??

Yoona: Just shut that mouth of yours.

Jk: I-i don't like medicines..

Yoona: Don't behave like a kid just open your mouth and gulp it.

Jk: But you told me to shut my mouth.

Yoona: Yaaaaah!!! Don't taste my patience. Just gulp it.

Jk: Nooooo please nooo.

Yoona: *glares* Ok then I'm going you just suffer here.

She was about to go when he grabbed her arm and she sits back.

Jk: No Don't go... Please

Yoona: Ok ok I'm not going.. so will you take the medicine or not..

Jk: *opens mouth* aaaaa

Yoona: *chuckles*

She gave him the medicines.

Yoona: Now lay down right now.

Jungkook lays down but holding her hand.

Jk: You'll leave now??

Yoona: Jungkook, I'm not going anywhere..

Jk: Thank you..

Yoona: Sleep now.

Jk: But I can't sleep.

Yoona: So what can i do in that? you want me to sing..but I'm very bad at singing instead of falling asleep you're not gonna get any sleep-

Suddenly he pulled her which caused her to fall on top him. He immediately pulls her beside him and hugs her so that she doesn't get up.

Yoona: J-jungkook...

Jk: Just stay like this..

He pulls her more closer by her waist and her head was on his chest. Yoona was indeed shock of his sudden change in behaviour but she Ofcourse wanted this so she didn't asked anything and with that they both drifted off to sleep.

(I'll post the next chapter lately.. bcz of my exams i didn't even uploaded yesterday so i hurriedly uploaded something today i dont even know if it's good or not.. Sorry for the late updates)