Good news

Now it was time for coming back home.

*Time skip after reaching home(bcz the author is too lazy to write Their whole convo)*

Yoona: Ughh!! I'm very tir-

Jk: *picks her up to room*

Yoona: why you suddenly picked me up?? i can go by my own put me downnn!!!

Jk: Nope, i know you became tired.

Yoona: *sigh* you're tired too!

Jk: Zip that mouth of yours, pretty lady.

Yoona: aishh... I can't with you.

He puts her down on bed and sits beside her.

Jk: Ahh i missed our fun moments already..

Yoona: I know right.. we enjoyed so much!!

Jk: It was the best trip of my life.

Yoona: Bcz i was with you *flips hair*

Jk: *chuckles* Ofcourse!

Yoona: Let's unpack all the things then i can rest peacefully.

Jk: Yeah let's do it.

They cleaned everything and got freshen up.

Yoona: Finally Everything is done!

Jk: Yesss!!

Yoona: Shit! i forgot to call mom.. she must be waiting for my call.

Jk: Oh yeah.. you should call her right now.

Yoona: Yeah.. you wait here I'll make coffee for both of us and call her.

Jk: Sure.

She went to kitchen and called her mom while Jungkook scrolls through phone.

(on the phone)

Y/mom: Did you reached their safely?

Yoona: Yeah mom.. Thank you for planning all this.. we enjoyed soooo much!

Y/mom: *giggle* I knew it you both are gonna love it!

Yoona: Yeah..

Y/mom: Oh! did i told you that Juliet found her Romeo?

Yoona: What? When?? Omg our Juliet grew up!!

Y/mom: You know your neighbor's aunty came to our house and told that her daughter in law is pregnant and bought a packet of sweets for the whole neighborhood.

Yoona: such a lovely news!! i can't wait to see Their baby!

Jk: See baby? who?

Yoona: *startled* Yaah!! You're gonna give me heart attack someday!!

Y/mom: What happened?

Yoona: Nothing, your pabo son in law is very bad.

Y/mom: Don't say like that about my son.

Jk: Eomma, your daughter is a scaredy cat!

Y/mom: *laughs* You two are behaving like children..

Yoona: I'll deal with you later! Mom I'll talk to you later.. take care of yourself and Juliet!

Y/mom: ok bye bye *hung up*

And Yoona started making coffee.

Jk: *hugs her from back keeping his chin on her shoulder* What were you talking about?

Yoona: Its between mom and daughter!

Jk: Whyyyy?? I'm also her son!

Yoona: Son-in-law.

Jk: Aishh.. I can't win with you...

Yoona: Actually it's a good news i should share with you too...

Jk: You're pregnant?? omg!!

Yoona: *blush* I wish.. but not me but my neighbor.

Jk: When can i tell my mom that she's gonna be grandma?

Yoona: How can i tell that?

Jk: *giggle* By spending time with me..

Yoona: *blush*

Jk: What has gotten into you? Are you on your periods?

Yoona: No..

Jk: why are you blushing so much.. i didn't said anything though *smirks*

Yoona: here's your coffee.. I'm gonna rest bye.

Jk: Did i said something wrong? i don't think so!! Aishh.. whatever..

*Time skip after somedays*

Yoona was behaving weird this days. Jungkook noticed that she didn't had proper meals and also starts vomiting after eating anything. He was worried for her bcz day by day she was getting weaker and didn't even let him to take care of her. He even called her mother and told her about this and her mother told him to go to doctor and check her up. So now Both Yoona and Jungkook were at hospital to know what's wrong with her. Jungkook let her wait outside bcz she was not feeling well.

Jk: Doctor, what's the Matter?

Doctor: *Smiles* I have a good news and a bad news..

Jk: *nervous* tell me the good news first..

Doctor: Congratulations Mr.Jeon you're gonna be a father!

Jungkook couldn't believe what he just heard.

Jk: C-can you r-repeat what you said??!!

Doctor: Yes, Mr.Jeon You're gonna be a Father!!

Jungkook stood up immediately and hugs the doctor due to too much excitement that he couldn't explain in words.

Jk: I'm gonna a Dad??? Omg!!! I'M GONNA HOLD MY BABY!!!!!

Yoona: (she's sitting outside) What happened? why's he screaming??

Jk: B-but.... what's the bad news??..

Doctor: Your wife is very weak right now.. And you have to take care of her properly bcz if she doesn't take proper take care of herself then the baby will be also weak!

Jk: I'll take care of her properly doctor! Don't worry I'll not let her take any kind of stress. Thank you for giving me such an amazing news.

Doctor: Now go and tell your wife who is still waiting for you!

Jk: Oh yes... Bye doctor thank you!!..

He quickly left from there and saw Yoona resting her head in the bench.

Jk: *sigh* If the mother is sad, the baby must be sad too..I can't see both of them like this.. I don't wanna see her sad like this..i have to keep her happy!!

Yoona: *tired voice* You came.. what did the doctor said?

Jk: *excitedly went near her and bend down caressing her tummy*

Yoona: huh??

Jk: don't make your mumma weak, baby!

Yoona: what- wait...i-i am p-pregnant??!!

Jk: *nods happily*

She got emotional and couldn't process anything, her tears just started falling from her eyes nonstop. She hugged jungkook tightly clutching to his shirt like a baby sobbing hard.

Jk: i know these tears are falling bcz of too much happiness but it's not good for your health to cry like this..

Yoona: Oh you're right.. *quickly wipes her tears* Jungkook-ahh you're gonna be the best father!!

Jk: And you're gonna be the best mother!!

Yoona: I can't be more happy than this!! Thank you our unborn baby to make me feel a different feeling.. and... your father is the best baby!!

Jk: Don't make me cry hard now *wipes tears dramatically*

Yoona: *giggle* yaaah!! *hits him slightly* See, your dad is very naughty!!

Jk: I know *smirk*

They drove to her mother's house to tell her the big good news...

Yoona: Eomma eomma eommaaaaaa!!!! *spins her mom*

Jk: Yaaah yah!! Carefully!!

Yoona: Oops!! are you hurt *caressed her tummy* mommy is very clumsy..sorry..

Y/mom: What are you both talking about?? who is baby??

Yoona and Jungkook: *giggles*

Yoona: Eomma you're gonna be a grandma!!

Y/mom: *can't believe* Omo!!!! You're pregnant?!!!!

Yoona: Yasss!!

Y/mom: Oh my lord!! this is the best day of my life.. I can't wait to see my grandson/granddaughter and hold her in my lap!! ahhhh i was waiting for this moment!!!

Yoona: Eomma!! calm down...

Y/mom: You're how many days pregnant?

Jk: She's 3 weeks pregnant.

Y/mom: Ahh there's still so much time

And after telling the good news her mom told her to go home and rest bcz she knows a pregnant woman should take rest properly and knowing the fact that she doesn't take her meals properly she got worried but jungkook assured her he'll take care of her.

(This series is coming to an end soon..)