chapter 7. the consequences of my actions.

I feel myself go limp on top of Tiberus as i am hurtled into a vison. 'for fuck sake' i scream inside my head stupid visions always happen at the worst times. it is literally like i am adrift in space and I have no Tether when suddenly a red comme smacks me in the face i feel a huge flood of pure energy enter my body I feel it penetrate every atom of my being changing me charging my body transforming my body. i feel him before i hear his voice in my head.

'i am sorry i did try to warn you beautiful but you insisted ' his voice smooth like butter.

'i completely understand this would have happened anyway' i whisper back. 'what is even happening this isn't what my visions are usually like'

'This is our soul bond' he tenderly stroked the glowing red cord of energy between us. 'it grows in power as our relationship strengthens, this is so rare that not even my parents got to experience it' he takes my hands gently 'only a few kings have ever had the opportunity to experience this' he gently pulled me into his arms held me tenderly.

'but I am just a regular human from earth I have no special powers or anything really' I say marvelling at the millions of tiny twisting strings all moving and simmering independently.

'the soul bond never makes sense but it always brings together people who are perfect for each other' he replied gently taking my face in his hands and kissing me passionately.

I feel my heart flutter as my memories rush through me. his kiss, his touch, everything I'd had from my husband my beautiful twin girls. their smiling faces that I may never see again.

I pull away from him gently 'what about my life? what about my daughters? what are they going to think?' I whisper sadly.

'your daughters are grown just explain it to them' he said nonchalantly.

'tell them what huh?' I feel the panic attack reach full pitch and I yell at him 'SORRY GIRLS MUMMY IS SOULBOUND TO A FUCKING ALIEN WHO LOOKS LIKE A FYCKING DRAGON AND THAT I LIVE ON A WHOLE OTHER PLANET?'

'I would probably leave out the hysteria and the profanity but in a nutshell that's exactly what you should tell them' he sooths me floating closer. 'and that piece of crap ex-husband of yours deserves to be beaten to death for what he did to you' I shiver at the malice in his voice. 'I saw the police photographs. I've been keeping an eye on you since that night in Norway it was all I could do to stop myself from taking you away there and then' he confessed.

'So you've been following my every move in the last 4 years?' I ask taken off guard.

'yes I have I didn't want to miss the chance to take you and fulfill our soulbond' he replied gently stroking the light between us.

'Ok a bit weird but as long as I can somehow get constant contact with my daughters and can go back to earth whenever I need I will be content' I say looking into his stormy blue eyes which now seem seemed like they are glowing not like an overwhelming glow but like there was a live current dancing through his iris.

'so you'll stay?' he asked.

'as long as I am treated with respect and dignity I don't have any issue with staying here. I would also love to continue my career as a writer if at all possible' I asked shyly while looking up at him through my eyelashes.

'I will talk to the techs once the soulbond is completed' he replied getting excited.

'So how do we complete it??'

'Well it's sort of like a human marriage ceremony but with the Dracionia traditions.' he said nervously.

'Ok, as long as I still have a degree of freedom, unlimited trips back home and I can tell my kids. I am happy to take a chance and be with you' I reply sincerely.

the energy from our bond cocoons us as he kissed me deeply until I don't know where his soul begins and mine ends.