Chapter 10: Shopping

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in front of Ryner and Morax Rose kept an indifferent expression on her face.

But on the inside she is smiling just a little bit.

Since the two young boys in front of her have followed every instruction she has given them to the letter.

They even arrived on time every single for their two-week basic course about the dungeon.

The two of them even asked for pencil and paper to take notes.

Rose couldn't believe it when that happened.

Most adventurers she had been assigned to advise since she started working at the guild four years ago either ignored their training course entirely, or came but only showed up to send lustful gazes at her body.

Hardly any of them actually payed attention to what she said.

As such many of Roses assigned adventurers have died.

In the last four years she can't remember how many notifications she received about her adventurers dying while in the dungeon.

Some of which were people who actually even listened to Roses advice like Ryner and Morax are doing right now.

Rose always liked those adventures, and they in turn liked her. That's why many of them confessed to her.

Both men and woman.

Happy Rose decided to accept those confessions and give those adventurers at least one date.

But every time she did so they always died on their next trip into the dungeon.

Every time she accepted an adventurers confession they died.

Rose soon came to think herself cursed. That's why she created her bitch persona and drew lines in the ground so to speak between her and the adventurers assigned to her. This way she wouldn't be overly hurt then they eventually died.

But after having worked with Morax and Ryner, along with the other kids from the Athena familia Rose had decided that maybe she was too hasty in making her decision to be completely professional with adventurers.

She actually wants to get those to these kids, and hopes with all her might they don't die.

Rose had never been the advisor to children adventurers before, but she'd heard some stories about those who did took it when those kids died in the dungeon.

Some never recovered.

Rose is hoping she will never fall into that category.

That's why she's placing her faith that the kids from the Athena familia will survive and thrive.

Not only for their own sakes, but for hers as well.


(Morax: POV)

As Rose sat across from us with an indifferent expression on her face I get the feeling she is smiling on the inside for some reason.

Eh, probably just my imagination.

Moving on.

Two weeks have come and gone.

Ryner and I have completed the standard two-week basic course. Which I must say was very informative. Not only did we learn a lot of information about the upper floors but we also learned about the middle floors.

We also learned about the patterns of monsters, pantries, monster rex's, safe zones, and many other things.

It was a lot, but Rose was patient with us and answered any questions we had.

She's a great teacher despite her usually cold demeanor.

Though I am hoping that will change over time.

"You two have completed the two-week course with flying colors. As such you can now go into the dungeon." Rose told us.

As she did so Ryner and I shared a high-five.

"Now, don't get too excited. For now you two are only permitted to travel on the first through fourth floors. If I find out you went any deeper without my express permission you can find someone else to be your advisor." Rose explained.

"Understood." I said.

"The same." Ryner added.

"Alight then. Your free to go." Rose told us.

Once she did so Ryner and I left the guild and went straight back to our familia home. Where we told everyone the good news.

"Great. Now we can finally start going into the dungeon again." Gaul said.

As he did so Leonmitchelli slapped him upside the head.

"Ow, sis what was that for?" Gaul cried. Rubbing the back of his head as he did so.

"We can't start dungeon diving again just yet. Ryner and Morax still don't have any weapons or any type of armor." Leonmitchelli pointed out.

"Oh, right." Gaul said. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Leonmitchelli said. She then looked at me and Ryner. "Anyway tomorrow we're going shopping for weapons."

Ryner and I both nodded at her words.

We have been looking at equipment, and already have a general idea of what we want.

Once the decision to go shopping was made everyone split to do there own thing.

Going to my room I began making preparation for tomorrow.

A smile on my face as I did so.


The next day Ryner and I got up bright and early like we usually did during these past two weeks.

Leonmitchelli did the same.

We three then shared breakfast and left before the others even had a chance to wake up.

One thing I've learned since I began living with everyone is that unless absolutely necessary Gaul and Millhoire don't like to get up in the morning.

Morning people they are not.

The three of us walked the streets, Leonmitchelli equipped in her full gear as we did so. Her weapons include a broadsword strapped to her left side and a two-handed axe strapped across her back.

Both of which look heavy.

Yet she's walking around with them like they weigh nothing at all.

Her strength stat must be quite high for this to be possible.

Which reminds me.

"Hey Leon, what levels are you guys at?" I asked her. Since I completely forgot to ask that question until just now. But since we are going to be diving into the dungeon together that's information both Ryner and I need to have.

"We're all still at level one." Leonmitchelli told us in a low voice. Since people are staring to appear in the streets.

I nodded at this.

As did Ryner.

"Hey, how long have you guys been adventurers?" Ryner asked.

Another question I forgot to ask. I really need to write this shit down.

"Six months." She told us.

We both nodded again.

Then we fell into a comfortable silence, continuing unto our destination.

Which was Babel.

Standing in front of the massive tower and the only known "public" entrance to the fabled dungeon I felt the air itself shift. There is something about standing in front of this place that gets my blood going.

I can't wait to head inside.

But not today.

Instead we are going to the shops in the tower.

Following behind Leonmitchelli, Ryner and I arrived in front of one of the many elevators and rode it up.

As the elevator came to a stop we exited and then Leonmitchelli led us to a shop without any hesitation.

Once inisde she turned to face the two of us. "This is a shop that caters to beginner adventurers. There prices are pretty fair across the board. So pick whatever you like." She explained.

"What's our budget?" I asked her.

"20,00 valis each." Leonmitchelli told us.

Ryner and I both nodded.

We then got to searching for equipment.

I went straight for the weapons rack, specifically the spears.

Since I look like Zhongli I might as well use the same weapon he did in the game.

Besides, after I thought about it for a nice amount of time a spear just feels like the right weapon for me. Even if I don't formally know how to use it I can learn.

Looking through the racks of spears I found one that I liked. The price being 6,000 valis.

Grabbing it I moved over to the knives and grabbed a couple of them. Just in case anyone or anything manages to get inside my range.

No, I should say when someone or something manages to get inside my range and I can't use my spear to defend myself they will have a nasty surprise waiting for them.

Besides in the dungeon, you can never have too many options.

My main and secondary weapons collected I started looking through the armors. Specifically the light and maneuverable ones.

Taking my [Geo Archon] skill into account the build I am going to have is definitely going to be heavily strength and agility based. I'll basically be turning myself into a human cannonball or the like.

Which is why I can't wear anything that is too bulky or limits flexibility. Otherwise I will be screwed.

Searching I looked and looked until eventually I found something that caught my eye.

[Image Here]

Walking up to the set of light armor I looked at the price tag and read it.

[10,00 valis]

'So with this armor, the spear, and the knives I'll be at 19,000 valis.' I thought. Basically my entire budget.

Even so I'm buying it all.

Since this way I can make my own money by raking in magic stones from the dungeon.

Grabbing the armor set I returned to Leonmitchelli just as Ryner did.

In his hands a set of light armor as well, along with several knives.

"Looks like great minds think alike." I said.

"Sure do." He retorted.

"Looks like you both or set. Let's go then." Leonmitchelli said.

Once she did we nodded and went up to the counter to purchase our equipment.

We then headed home.

As I laid in bed that night I couldn't fall asleep.

For tomorrow I take my fist steps into the dungeon.