Chapter 67: The Great Feud (Part 1)

'It's here. The time for war has finally come.' I thought.

Over and over again as Rogue, Leonmitchelli, Echidna, and I made our way back to the Owl House.

After we discussed things just a bit more with Shakti, Alise, and their familia members we all decided to go our separate ways.

Once this happened my group decided to finish up patrol, and now we are making our way back to the Owl House to inform Athena and the others of today's events.

Arriving home in no time at all I called a meeting in the living and then explained to the others what we had learned earlier.

"This is most concerning." Athena mused. A contemplative look on her face. "It seems Evilus is getting ready to execute something massive. But as to what that might be, I have no idea."

"Well then all we can do is prepare." I said. Everyone else nodding in agreement.

Once they did so I turned to Millhiore. "Mili, how's our supply stock?" I asked.

Since a few months ago I started us having stock up on potions, elixirs, and various other items and have them stored here at our home. Not only in preparation for this coming event, but also just in case shit goes down here in the future and we need a potion quickly.

You never know.

"We're looking good Morax." Millhiore told me. "Over 100 potions, elixirs, and a good stock of all the other supplies we've been stocking up for these past few months as well." She explained to me.

"Good." I said. "Well then meeting adjourned. Unless anyone has anything else they wish to say?" I said.

No one spoke a word.

So with that everyone dispersed.

I went to my room and hopped in the shower.

As the warm water ran down my body I my mind wandered back to all the blood and death that is about to occur in Orario.

I know all that's about to happen, yet I can't really do much to change it. And if I did things might turn out even worse.

This is one of those rare moments where foreknowledge is more of a curse than a blessing.

Sighing I placed my head against the front shower wall and just let the water run over me.

That is until I heard someone enter my bathroom.

"Who is it?" I asked.

But I didn't get a reponse.

Instead the curtain was pulled back and Ryuu entered the shower.

She then came behind and wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing her boobs into my back.

Taking her hands in my own I gently leaned into her.

"Hey." I said.

"Hello." Ryuu said.

We then just stood there in silence, neither of us needing to say anything more.

In this moment all the thoughts swirling around in my head completely vanished and I felt at peace. Ryuu always makes me feel this way. As do the rest of my familia and friends.

That's why I'm going to protect them all.

No matter what.

As I resolved myself to protect what was precious to me I suddenly felt Ryuu's left hand grab my semi-erect cock and start to slowly pump it.

"Fu Ryuu, you're insatiable you know that." I said.

"What, no!" Ryuu quickly denied. "I am simply helping you relieve some stress since it looks like you need it. Nothing more." Ryuu spoke, embarrassment clear in her voice.

Even after all the times we've done it Ryuu still acts so innocent where sexual matters are concerned.

But that's just part of her charm.

"I see." I said. "Well then thank you." I said.

I then quickly turned around and pushed Ryuu up against the back wall. Once I did so I began nibbling on her right ear and I felt her entire body shudder as she came instantly.

Her ears really are her weakest spot.

"Morax!" Ryuu cried, her face going red.

"Fufu, didn't you say you wanted to help me relieve my stress. So doesn't that mean I get to ravish your body however I please?" I questioned. Laying kisses' all over Ryuu's neck.

"No, wait a moment. I'm not-agh!!" Ryuu cried in pleasure as I inserted my fully erect cock inside of her.

Then the party really got started.

Leading to both of us falling asleep with smiles on our faces.


"Hey Morax?"

"Why yes Diluc my friend?"

"What did you do you Ryuu?"

"Why nothing? Nothing at all?"

"Really, then why is she glaring at you like that?"

At Diluc's question I simply put a sly smile on my face.

Ignoring the glare Ryuu is sending my way right now.

Which she has been doing all morning.

Even now after she, Diluc, Millhiore, and I have gone out on our daily patrol she won't let up. And I have no idea why.

Ok, that's a lie.

I do know why.

I got a little too rough last night, and today Ryuu is showing it by walking with a slight limp in her step.

But it's not entirely my fault, since Ryuu was really into our sexy time last night as well.

She even asked me to spank her a bit, which I obliged.

Ryuu loved it.

To think my prim and proper elf would turn out to be a little bit a sub. Ah, its true what they say. You know new things each day.


I decided to answer Diluc's question.

"You see Diluc my friend the reason Ryuu is glaring at me is because last night she-Ow!" I yelped as I felt something hard jam into my back.

Turning around I saw the culprit is Ryuu, who used the scabbard of her sword to do so. Her glare intensifying after we made eye contact.

"Morax. Not, another word." Ryuu said in an icy tone.

"Yes, dear." I said.

"You two are really great together." Millhiore said, a smile on her face.

"Why thank you Milli." I said. "You know someday maybe you can have a relationship as great as mine and Ryuu's, right Ryuu?"

"Sure." Ryuu said, giving me a deadpan stare as she did so.

"Dear, please don't say how great our relationship is with such an expression on your face." I said. "It might give people the wrong idea."

"Mhm, and what might that be?" Ryuu asked. The deadpan look still on her face.

'Looks like she's still paying me back for earlier.' I thought. Putting a wry smile on my face.

Diluc and Millhiore did the same.

"Ok, I'm sorry about earlier." I said to Ryuu.

Then just as I did so I noticed a man fall face first onto the ground right in front of us. Ardi standing above him.

The moment we saw this we rushed over to them.

"Ardi, are you ok?" Ryuu asked.

"Mhm, I'm fine. Just stopping a thief is all." Ardi replied. "Now then sir, return what you have stolen."

"Eh, why the fuck should I?!" The man shouted at Ardi. "Especially since I'm only in this situation because of you!" He snarled. "You fucking adventurers! Always preaching about how you'll protect us and keep us safe, but that's bullshit! If that were the case why the fuck haven't you stopped Evilus yet huh?!" He spat. "Because of them I can't find work. So yeah I steal, but how else am I going to live then huh?! Well then adventurer's answer me!?" The man continually shouted.

No one spoke up.

Especially since we've encountered this thing several times already.

Civilian's frustrated and wanting to vent their anger.

But I get why.

They are scared, and when people are scared they need someone to blame.

However, that doesn't mean I appreciate shit like this.

Though getting angry about it will do nothing, so I simply let it roll off me as best I can. I made sure to tell the others to due the same. Since I know how hot-blooded and headstrong some of them can be.

Rogue, William, and the de Rois siblings especially.

After a while the man finally stopped his ranting and raving.

Once he did so Ardi walked up to him and placed a hand on his left shoulder, accompanied by an understanding smile.

"Sir I understand what you are saying, and where you are coming from. But you stealing is only adding to the problem." Ardi explained. "So please, don't steal anymore?"

"Well that's not going to be an issue since you're taking me to prison right?" The man asked in a sarcastic manner.

"Actually I'm not." Ardi said. "As long as you promise never to commit a crime again."

"Ardi!" Ryuu suddenly spoke up. "You just can't allow-"

"-Ryuu." I interrupted.

She turned to look at me and I shook my head.

"It's Ardi's decision. Even if we don't agree with it." I spoke.

"Well said Morax." Alise spoke. As she walked up to us, accompanied by Filvis.

Who is currently level two.

The man looked at Ardi. "Are you serious little girl?" He asked her.

"Of course I am." Ardi said, a smile on her face. "So long as you returned what you've stolen and keep your promise."

The man gained a look of disbelief on his face. He then took several seconds before he finally came to a decision.

"Ok then." The man said.

He then returned the stolen belongings to Ardi and went on his way.

After he was gone Ryuu spoke up.

"Ardi, you just let a criminal go, how could you?" Ryuu asked her.

"Ryuu, don't you know. Forgiveness is a form of justice as well." Ardi happily told her.

"While I agree with you there Ardi, please remember that sometimes reaching out a helping hand is not not option." I spoke. "I'm serious. One day it might come back to bite you."

"I know Morax, I'm not an idiot." Ardi replied.

'Ah, I know that Ardi, I do. But that kind nature of yours is a double-edge sword.' I thought.

Just after I did so I noticed a man approaching us.

No, not a man but a god.

"Ah, thank you for getting my stuff back from that thief." The god spoke to Ardi. "I really appreciate it." He said.

"No problem." Ardi said.

She then returned the things to the god.

"Thank you." He said. "Oh, but where are my manners. Allow me to introduce myself. The name is Eren." He said.

Lying through his fucking teeth.

Since I know the guy in front of us is one of the sickest gods currently in the mortal world and a top member of Evilus.


So now I'm debating.

Do I let him go or kill him?

That is the question.