Chapter 17 ~ Do I Stand A Chance

"Baby you don't smoke," he stated, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his pack and the lighter, handing them both to her.

"I do, but it's rare." She stood up, getting both and looked at him. "I usually only do it when I'm really pissed off." With that, Resa walked out of the restaurant and out to the parking lot, resting against his car. She stuck the cigarette between her lips, her hands shaking as she tried to light it up. She wanted to believe that Alex, the man that she was supposed to marry, wouldn't betray her in such a manner.

But, looking back over that course of time, it was possible. She took a long drag, wondering if this problem was because of her, because she didn't love him enough, because she let him have so much freedom. Although, she firmly believed that a man, your man, shouldn't have to be tied down to you, like a dog on a leash. If they loved you, truly, madly, deeply, they would stay put of their own accord. She looked at the cigarette before taking another hit of it, it barely taking off the edge of her anger.

Mentally, she cursed herself, really starting to feel like whatever was going on was her fault. Granted, she still didn't fully believe that Alex cheated on her. She had too much faith in him, in their love. But, giving everyone's reactions, and the way they were both acting, something had happened. Perhaps it was her, Kris, that gave him that nice hickey she found, well, besides the ones on his neck, of course.

Then again, she could be worrying over nothing. Yes, Kris had done this once to her, but Kris was her best friend, she was giving her the benefit of the doubt here, actually giving both of them that benefit. She wiped her face with her free hand, looking up at the blue sky, trying to place everything correctly. But one couldn't do that unless one had information. She could go to D, ask him what he knew. Would he cover for his boy? Would he tell her the truth? Somehow, she felt that his loyalties lied with his boy over her. After all, they've only know each other for a few short years where as D and Alex had been best friends for well over 15 years.

She threw the cigarette on the ground, putting it out with her foot. She wiped the tear that was slipping down her cheek and turned as she heard the approaching feet. As she saw him, she rolled her eyes, not ready to deal with anyone quite yet. She rather liked her solitude, even if it was making her feel worse than she needed to be. And putting doubts in her mind that may, or may not, even be true.

"What do you want?" she asked, crossing her arms as she stared at him.

"To check on you."

"Well, go back in with your friend, I'm fine." He leaned against the car next to her and looked at her, his brow raised and his lips twitching.

"Now, who's the liar, Resa?"

"Do not call me that. That is reserved for friends, and at this point, you aren't one."

"Why do you say that?"

"What happened in Hawaii with those two D?" He stood up; stuffing his hands in his pockets and shook his head, his heart screaming at him to tell her the truth while his mind was cursing Alex for putting him in this position to even begin with.

"I don't know, Resa, honestly. Your best bet is to ask one of them."

"You're a damn liar, D. If you're trying to save my feelings…" She strode past him, her head shaking, wanting to be done with this conversation, with all of them, but he quickly caught her arm.

"Theresa, of all people, I would tell you the truth. If I knew what happened, I would say so. The only thing I ever saw them do was act like friends. Our last night, I got a little drunk and ended up leaving before they did, but if something happened, Alex wouldn't stay with you and you know that."

"You're right D, I do know that. And if I had solid proof, other than just my gut, I would be out of here, without a backwards glance. But he has my heart and I feel like I'm fighting for it, and the sad part, she just got it here." She shook her head, looking at him sadly. "Now she's here and I'm wondering if something did happen, do I still stand a chance with the man I'm engaged to?"