Chapter 30 ~ Pick a Fight

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Alex shoved his way past D, unable to explain the anger that was brimming just under the surface.

Alex glanced out at the girls, watching all four of them talking. He really couldn't explain why he was feeling the way he was. But, when he walked in and saw that rather sweet kiss, his anger just flew through the roof. And he had a feeling that Resa knew it, for he was particularly dragging her off the bus and just about shoved her in the chair. And he wasn't usually that rough with her.

He sighed, running his hand over his face and then got into position, really doing everything in an automatic mood, really only giving half of himself into the dance steps. He looked over at Kris who was very intent on watching D. He took that moment and glanced at D who was laying on that charm for her. And that just pushed him even more. He purposely made a wrong turn and quickly smacked right into D, who fell right on his ass.

"What the hell is wrong with you Alex?" D got up and ran his hand over his butt, dusting it off.

"I'm sorry. I forgot which way to turn. I didn't mean to do that."

"Fine. Whatever. Let's just keep going." D grumbled, wondering if it was worse to by be Nick or Alex at this point. Mentally, Alex applauded himself and got through the next few routines without any incidents.

Yet, that was gone the moment that D flashed that charming smile and wink Kris's way. And to Alex, that was the last straw. He did a quicker than normal turn and left the wrong foot out, watching D quickly go down.

"D!" Both Resa and Kris jumped up on the stage and ran over to him, both helping him up.

"Are you okay D?"

"Yeah, Resa. I'm fine, just tripped."

"Yeah, we saw that." D leaned against Kris who lifted her head to look at Alex. He shook his head and quickly ran back to his dressing room, sneaking out a bottle out of his bag and taking a long drink of the amber liquid. Resa flew in right behind him, her eyes opening wide as she saw him and ran across the room, yanking it out of his hands and flung it across the room. He turned and watched the glass break, the liquid running down the wall.

"What is wrong with you McLean? What the hell is the problem?"

"Nothing, just let it be."

"Bull shit! I'm your fiancé here. I know something is bothering you and I'm rather upset that you are picking on everyone rather than talk to me. Now, what is wrong?" He turned to look at her and shrugged.

"Why does it matter to you? It doesn't concern you, you aren't that important." Her eyes flashed and before he knew it, her hand had landed on his cheek. And shit did that mother fucker sting!

"If that's how you really feel, I have no problem packing my shit and leaving." With that, she turned on her heel and quickly stormed out of the room, leaving him alone with all those thoughts just running through his mind. And he knew that he had really screwed things up. He loved Resa, but just the thought of D and Kris was really making his stomach churn. Now he knew that he had to figure out a way to explain, to some degree, how he was felling. Lord, that wouldn't be easy.

He ran out of the room, shoving Nick aside and saw Theresa exit the back of the building, without a guard. Crap, the fans would eat her alive! He ran up behind you and yanked her arm, spinning her around.

"You know better than that." She glared at him and tired to get her arm back.

"Let me go, Alex." Resa's voice was a quite whisper that he had never heard before. And he was about to let her go when D stalked over to him, yanking him back and then let his fist fly, landing square right on Alex's jaw.

Alex stumbled back, holding onto his jaw, his brown eyes quickly flashing with anger. How dare that stupid little man try and pick a fight. Alex could easily whoop his ass. And they both knew it! This certainly wasn't the first time they got into a fight. But this could be the worst, for they knew why they were fighting. Sorta hard to say that the reason behind it was because of the brunette chick, but rather the blonde chick, as in Kris.

Alex ran over, shoving his shoulder into D's stomach, pushing him into the wall. D let out a whosh of air, groaning a bit, a pain shooting up from his lower back. But he quickly got even as he slammed his elbow right into the middle of Alex's back. Alex quickly let D go, holding onto his back as he backed away a step. And he was about to attack again when both Nick and Resa grabbed his arm.

"Stop it McLean." He turned his head and looked at his fiancé, finally shrugging their hands off of him.

"I need to breathe."

"You need a lot of things, Alexander." He paused and slowly turned to look at her, taking in the crossed arms, the lifted brow, and the pushed out hip. To anyone else, she would look pissed. But her eyes were a dead give away to the hurt that was raging inside of her. She might not be super smart, but she wasn't a fool. She knew him only too well, and that did scare him.


She helped D to his dressing room, putting an ice pack on his ribs.

"I'm sorry guys. I don't know what just came over Alex!" Resa looked at both D and Kris, feeling horrible for this, even though she didn't do anything. And in fact, she wasn't quite positive that the fight those two had, had anything to do with her.

"Don't be Resa. You know Alex has his moods." She looked at D.

"This was more than that. Something was, is, up with him. And I am going to figure out what's going on." D grabbed her hand as she turned to leave; not knowing what Alex could, or would, tell her. And the last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt.

"Just let it go. We are okay."

"No D. I'm done with this crap." She smiled at him, gently removed her hand from his and left the room, in search of Alex. She finally found him, sitting on the stairs outside, smoking. She sighed and sat down next to him.

"Hey." He didn't need to even look up. The tingles he felt at her presence was all he needed to know that the person at his side was his fiancé, if she still called herself that.

"Hey." She linked her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder. "How's your jaw?"

"Hurting. That man maybe small, but he sure knows how to punch."

"You can't blame him. You really did tick him off. And why? What was that?" Alex sighed, snuffed out his cigarette and glanced at her.

"I know you think it maybe odd, but I don't want D and her together." At that, Resa wrinkled her brow.

"That may be, but it's not your choice. They seem happy and as their friend, you need to support them."

"I know." He paused, having thought this out to well. "And I think this is only a rebound relationship for D."