Chapter 32 ~ Wanna dance

"What made you choose tonight to come?" Alex tugged down his shirt and glanced at her as she slipped on some earrings than her heels. She was the one who avoided the after parties. And it wasn't that she didn't like to party it up, she just hated being around all the screaming fans all the time.

And it wasn't like he could blame her. He loved his job, loved to sing, to dance, to perform, but the screaming, the screaming was a factor that he would rather do without. And to be hounded. Granted, what man in his right mind wouldn't love to have tons of girls throwing themselves at him? None. So, he did like it, but after 18 years, it does get rather old.

"Nick begged me to come."

"So you go when Nick begs but you won't go when I beg?" She turned around and just looked at him, her left brow raising up and her right hip sticking out.

"Excuse me, Mr McLean, when is the last time you asked me to go to an after party?" He twisted his lip as he thought that over. In all truth, he really didn't beg, okay, in fact, he really didn't ask. And again, it wasn't because he didn't want her there, he did. But he just knew her too well. Knew she wouldn't want to go, wouldn't want to be around all that, so why bother asking?

"True. I just never saw the point. You hate going to them so why even ask?"

"Because it's the nice thing to do. Because, as your fiancé, I should be supporting you." He rolled his eyes and walked over to her, pulling her in his arms.

"You always support me. And you are always welcome to come. I shouldn't have to invite you."

"Alex, do you still ask me out on dates?"

"Yes. I asked you go out tomorrow night, even though you are mine."

"If you still ask me to out on dates, what makes you think that you shouldn't ask me to a party? To a concert? Out on tour? You don't assume I'm going, but you still ask."

"Fine, fine, you're right baby. I should ask. I just know…"

"I know you know. And you are right, I don't like going. But every once in a while, it would be nice. I do enjoy dancing with you. And I laugh my ass off at the fans who can't seem to talk around you guys. Hell, it's just amazing to me. Such down to earth men have that effect on woman. It's funny."

"Actually, I do have to agree with you. I mean, I remember when we first started meeting some of the big names, I was stuttering, so I can understand them. But at the same time, it's like you said, we are down to earth. So, you ready to party baby?"

"Yup, got my dancing shoes on and ready to tear it up." She grabbed her pass and her key card than linked her arm through his, heading down with the rest of the guys and security.


He finished off his third coke and looked around, seeing the many fans who were there just staring at him or the other guys, trying to take pictures. Nick was up at the DJ booth, spinning a couple tracks off his album and he felt someone touch his arm.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He leaned his head to the left slightly, smiling a bit at the fans before answering the question.

"The fans actually. They just amaze me. We honestly do have the best fans around. I mean, these fans follow us, go to three, five, ten shows. They travel, they spend, and spend, and SPEND…on us. It just blows my mind." He finally turned and looked at her. "Why?"

"You seem lost in thought is all. Resa is up at the booth with Nick, whispering about what songs he should play. She's trying to get him to play a clip it off D's album. But Nick ain't buying that."

"He should. D has some hot beats on the album." Kris nodded and leaned against the railing, waving to the fans.

"Would you go down and mingle?"

"Sure, if I didn't get mobbed first. I made that mistake once. Almost lost my damn arm. I did lose an earring. Damn thing hurt when they snagged it out." Kris turned to look over her shoulder, laughing at him.

"What's so funny?" They both turned as Resa and D walked up, holding out more drinks.

"I was telling them about the time I made the mistake of going out into the fans and getting mobbed."

"Ah, that's right. Isn't that where you got that mean cut on your arm from too?"

"Yup. The fans are vicious. We love them, but dang, sometimes it smarter just to stay away from them." Resa sat down next to Alex and placed her arm on the back of her chair, shaking her head.

"Sure, you might say that NOW but I've heard enough talk to know that you wish you could be there, partying it up with them all."

"We do. It would be awesome. They would just kill us though." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. This was true and she knew it. Alex was right, God bless them crazy fans. She leaned her head on his shoulder, just enjoying the music.

"Wanna dance?" She quickly lifted her head. Alex hadn't asked her to dance in quite a while. So, she quickly uncurled her legs, slipped her shoes back on and stood up, waiting for him to lead her out to the VIP dance area. Alex wrapped his arms around her waist as he turned her around, pressing her back against his chest. His hips moved to the beat with hers and he was thoroughly enjoying it. Although, holding her like this did bring back some memories of all too recent trip to another state.

With that thought, his eyes flew open and he looked up, his eyes finding and focusing on Kris, who seemed to be having a rather intense conversation with D. Without thinking, he tightened his hold on Resa's waist and actually heard her squeal a bit and turned to look at him.

"Are you okay? You never hold me that tightly."

"I'm fine. I was just thinking, I'm sorry." He pulled her back in his arms, looking at Kris who was finally looking at him, one brow raised in a challenge but her blue eyes were burning brightly and he knew what she was thinking.