Chapter 43 ~ Four days

Alex stared out the window, barley listening to the chatter of the girls. She had been gone for five days and he could admit that he was in a funk. For the most part, Resa was his better half and he just hadn't felt like himself. And the rest of the guys certainly knew what was going on, well, how the hell could he really hide his feelings? Though, he did feel like an ass because the person getting the brunt of his emotions was Kris. Not that he wanted to be a dick to her. Yes, everything was his fault, but it was easier for him if he just pushed her away.

He sighed and dropped his head forward, letting it rest against the glass. He could hear his mom and Kris in the kitchen and he could hear them laughing. And in some sense, that brought a twinge to his heart. His mom liked Resa, they had fun together, but his mom was not really as carefree with her as she was Kris. Maybe that was part of the hurt that Resa was feeling; he could certainly understand that.

"Honey?" Alex lifted his head and turned to look at his mom.


"Can you run to the store? I forgot to pick up some of that special sauce you like."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'll be back in a few." He bent and kissed his moms cheek but paused as she spoke.

"Has she called?" He didn't have to ask who, for he pretty much told his mom everything.


"Maybe you aught to call her." He nodded, grabbed his eyes and waved to Kris, quickly heading out to his car. He glanced at his cell phone when he got in, really wondering if he should, then tossed in the cup holder. He knew better than that. If she wanted to talk, she would call him; or text him.

He finally pulled up to the store and got out, going to the spice aisle and literally ran into Brain, the shock clearly written in both eyes.

"Hey Alexe."

"Hey Rok. What are you doing here?"

"LeighAnne is flying back and I wanted to make her a special dinner."

"She's been gone, what, four days?"

"Yeah, but you know you always miss your lady love." Alex nodded but then paused as Brian's words sunk into his mind. 'Four days huh?' Alex thought as he looked at Brian and then saw the slight red tinge on his cheeks.

"LeighAnne was with her, huh?"

"Yeah. She left right after Resa. Leigh knew exactly where to find her."

"And no one told me?"

"Come on Alex. You need this as much as she did."

"I guess. What could Leigh have told her?" Brian shrugged at that, for he was not about to tell anyone that little secret. In fact, he had straight up told LeighAnne that he didn't even want Resa to know. He felt that information would only hurt them, not help the couple. But, LeighAnne already had her mind set and was packed before he knew it. She had kissed him and whispered 'a mistake isn't a mistake anymore if it helps someone'. And how true that was, but strangely, those mere words lifted a burden off his chest that he didn't even know he was carrying. So, if that bit of news helped his friend than he really had no right to be mad at his wife anymore, right?

"I'm not sure Alex. But have some faith. If it's meant to be, you know she's coming back to you."

"I know. I just feel like my whole life is on pause and that when it starts again, I'm not gonna like the road it's going to go down." Brian opened his mouth to blurt out that it was Alex's own doing but Brian didn't need to throw that hurtful stone out there.

"Just keep your head up man. Resa loves you, you know that." Brian gave him a half hug and Alex nodded.

"I know. Oh, don't let me keep you. Go cook your wife her dinner." Alex gave him a small smile and then grabbed his item and left, although his talk with Brian certainly kept running through his mind the whole drive home.


Brian had just finished the last touches on his table setting when his wife walked through the front door. He turned and smiled, kissing her softly.

"I missed you baby."

"I missed you too Bri. What is all this?"

"Just a little something to say I love you. And like always, you were right." LeighAnne sat her bag down and lifted an eyebrow at him. Yes, she was older, and the woman, but more times often than naught, she was the one telling Bri he was right.

"Excuse me, I think I missed heard that."

"Don't you dare make me repeat that woman." LeighAnne smiled at him and leaned back in the seat to watch him. "So, you talked to Resa?"

"I did. She seemed rather surprised, didn't believe the saint could ever do something wrong." Brian rolled his eyes at that and set her plate in front of her.

"Why does everyone say that? Geez." Brian bowed his head and said a prayer, finally looking up at his wife and into her smiling eyes. "What?"

"And you honestly wonder why?"

"Oh, whatever!" Brain took a bit and chewed before asking the one question he really wanted to know. "What did Resa say?" LeighAnne took a drink of her wine and wiped her mouth.

"Honestly, nothing, other than she had to think." Brian stopped his drink halfway to his mouth.

"Think? I thought that's what she was already doing there?"

"Hon!" LeighAnne shook her head. "Alex put her in one horrible position. What would you have her do? Rush into something foolish and be bruised for many years to come?" Brian shook his head, for he wouldn't want that. He really cared for Resa, thought she would be a wonderful wife for Alex. But, he had also been friends with Alex for many years and wasn't his loyalties supposed to lie with Alex? Shouldn't he want his best friend happy no matter the cost?