The next day John woke up and ate a small meal to get ready for training Kina and Atra. After eating he went to the place he told them to meet him and started training them in how to feel the force. Kina was the first of the two to feel it faster as some small rocks started floating near her but not long after Atra also felt the force, he had to admit that these two learned quite fast. After having them practice with trying to move small things like a branch he told them that "emotions are the key to greater strength even though Jedi believe it is the path to the dark side it depends on whether or not you can control your emotions" After saying that the twins were excited that they could get stronger. John then had them rest and told them that he would show them how to utilize their emotions.
2 days later
John was standing in front of a small bunker-like building. When he woke up this morning he had received a system notification that the base was done building so he got up put on his clothes and walked to the base location. On the way he sees Layla practicing her lightsaber skills against one of the other female force guards. He had to admit that she was extremely skilled she could probably beat him without any effort.
In front of the bunker were a group of soldiers who were eager to explore the new base. As John approached the new base location he was excited to get to explore the new base. John and the soldiers entered the bunker and walked to the elevator which was big enough to fit 10 people at a time. Once in the elevator, John sees 3 buttons on the console the number 0,1,2 he assumes 0 is the surface where the bunker is and 1 is the first floor going down and 2 is the second. He hits the 1st-floor button and the elevator closes and proceeds down.
After a couple of seconds the elevator slows down and comes to a stop then the doors open revealing a long hallway with a door at the end he walks down the hallway towards the door. Once there he opens the door revealing a large room with a square table in the middle and a bunch of what appears to be computer-like devices on the sides of the room. after walking in the soldiers all start experimenting with the different devices while John proceeds further into the base. As he walks he sees many rooms with computers, some had tables and he found a medical room that had a protocol droid in it. He walked over to the droid and activated it
" I'm protocol droid D1156 how may I be of service," Said the droid
John didn't know what the droid could do at the moment "I don't have anything you can do at the moment so be on standby mode" Said John. The droid just walked over to the medical terminal and connected something to it. John who seen this just left to explore other areas. After entering another room he found two droids that were powered off and a weapons closet in the same room so he asked the system what the droids were for
[These droids are special made combat droids that have been programmed with advanced targeting systems and advanced sensors they are named ECD(Elite Combat droids) , there are also made from Quantum Crystalline armor which is the strongest metal in the universe they are also way stronger and smarter than any confederation droid. In the weapons closet you will find two DLT-19s and two energy shields and this room called the 'Combat droid room' can be used to repair damaged droids. Once activated the droids will obey and be loyal to the one who activates them]
'These are some extremely powerful droids' thought John so he asked can he get more
[The only way to get more would be to build more bases and activate the droids or you can get them in the system store but there 200k each as they are powerful and sometimes you can get them as a mission reward]
'Damn they are expensive I guess I'm going to have to hold off on getting more but two is enough for now I should just ask the system what more does the base have' thought John
"system what more does the base have" asked John
[The base has a weapons room where you can store weapons and also an underground hanger/garage area that can store small fighters/bombers it can also store speeders and transports. To get Vehicles into the garage/Hanger area you need to first raise the underground platform which will open a part of ground, after opening the platform will raise and come to the surface. All of this can be activated through a console you saw in the room when you first came in. There is also the 2nd floor which is mainly the living area where there are bunk beds and a mess hall where the soldiers can eat. The max people you can have in the base right now is 500 but if you want to upgrade it will cost 30k shop points and the upgrade will expand the 2nd floor and the first floor to unlock new base functionality. A bigger base means more storage for weapons, vehicles, and ships and after the first upgrade the cost will increase by 50k. also when upgrading 2 new ECD's will appear in the expanded combat droid room. The upgraded base will be able to hold 1500 people as this is an underground base, but if you build a base above ground you can house way more people this base was just selected because of the current situation and the need to stay hidden for the time being]
After hearing all this information John decided to wait to upgrade the base as he is nowhere near 500 people right now. John left the room and went to the Garage/Hanger area to see how big it was the lift was the size of half a football field and the garage itself was a whole football field. He looked around and seen how empty it was. 'I guess the base didn't come with vehicles or this would be too easy' thought John. After looking around the base some more he decided to go back to the elevator and head to the surface. exiting the elevator he seen Kina and Atra who were practicing using the force in these last two days they have been getting better and is now able to lift rocks for an extended amount of time.
John looked at them and couldn't wait until they are fully trained which will take months but he has two years more than enough time so he will use that time to train them and also himself. But for now, he is going to summon more people.