It has been a year since the whole Republic situation which caused unrest on some planets in the republic because of the sanctions and videos released that people could not decide whether it was real or fabricated.
The planets who had believed the video had secretly agreed to secede from the republic and form a union called The Allied Coalition. They planned to slowly consolidated their resources and build a fleet over the year and secretly build an army. The Allied Coalition consisted of the few Outer-Rim planets that were under republic control.
The Trade Federation had already made plans to peacefully secede from the Republic as they had witnessed the Republics' corruption throughout the years and now finally decided to make a move.
And Now at the end of the year, the republic was facing major problems as The Allied Coalition had seceded from the republic with around 500 planets. And as a result, it caused the Republics' Stability to decline even further than it already was.
The Senate didn't want to go to war so they instead looked to resolve the matter peacefully with the Allied Coalition.
While this was going on the Trade federation was on Geonosis making plans to secede from the Republic and had already acquired a substantial amount of planets support. But little did they know that they were being watched by a Jedi Master who was assigned the mission to investigate the recent events in the Republic which led him here to Geonosis to investigate a Gathering of Trade federation forces.
But while he was monitoring the Meeting he was caught in a trap set up by Count Dooku and was captured by the Geonosians. The Jedi in question was Anakin who was following a trail that he found while investigating the possible corruption of the senate and the recent events.
He was alone because Obi-Wan had gone to a separate location to a planet that was wiped out of the Jedi Archives so Obi-Wan went to investigate and find out the reason why.
Anakin was dragged into a cell guarded by Geonosians and was approached by a cloaked figure.
Obi-Wan who had arrived at the location had discovered that the lost planet was Kamino and contained life. So he went to the surface and landed on a small platform where he was approached by a Kamonian. There he learned that ten years prior, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had arranged for a purchase of a clone trooper army. During the tour, he met the bounty hunter Jango Fett.
Kenobi revealed the new information back to the Jedi High Council and decided to go after Fett to discover if he had any more information. But instead, Kenobi had gotten into a fight with Fett which resulted in his escape but not before Kenobi fixed a homing beacon on his ship.
Kenobi then followed the location where Fett went and arrived at the planet Geonosis where he knew Anakin was located so he tried to contact Anakin to see how his investigation was going. But no matter how many times he tried he couldn't connect so he decided to head down and investigate.
After heading down he landed on the surface and snuck into a facility where he listened in on a meeting between Separatists council members where he learned of Vice Roy Nute Gunray's plans to secede from the Republic and start a war. Kenobi reported back to the Jedi Council but was ambushed by droidekas and taken captive. The signal was rerouted to an Imperium fleet moving through a nearby system.
The Admiral of the fleet reported the message back to high command where the message had reached John's ears.
John knew what the message was about and had contacted the Jedi Order to inform them.
After contacting and showing the message to Master Yoda John had sent a fleet led by Admiral Hacket to Geonosis to save both Anakin and Kenobi. As much as he sees the Jedi as incompetent there were those like Kenobi, Anakin, and Master Yoda that he liked because of their personality and the way they handle things.
Master Yoda had informed the chancellor of the situation and of the clone army that numbered 20 million clones.
The Chancellor had shared this information with the senate and was granted emergency powers to handle the situation so he called the clone army to active duty and sent some to Geonosis with Master Yoda as the leader.
500k clones along with Master Yoda, Mace Windu, and a Jedi strike force headed to Geonosis to stop the separatist's plot to secede.
On Geonosis Anakin and Kenobi was were sentenced to execution in the Petranaki Arena.
Kenobi and Anakin had fought while trying to survive the many animals that were sent to kill them.
Above Geonosis, a group of LAAT's were headed to the surface where the signal had come from.
Back on the ground, the Jedi strike force had revealed itself and began fighting alongside Kenobi and Anakin. Mace was in a duel with Count Dooku before Boba Fett intercepted him allowing Dooku to retreat.
As Mace dueled and defeated Boba Fett killing him in the process he noticed that the Jedi were being pushed back into the center of the arena.
They continued to be pushed back until it was less than 20 of them left from the original 50 Jedi that was present.
As they were on their last knees Dooku ordered them to surrender to him only to get a negative comment from Mace.
So Dooku prepared to kill all the Jedi when multiple explosions occurred around the arena destroying multiple droids.
Above in the sky, Master Yoda was issuing orders to the transports and troops to form a perimeter around the survivors and destroy any droids.
Multiple transports then landed in the middle of the arena and dropped troops while the survivors ran to the transports and boarded them.
But before the survivors could board them the transports were blown up by a rocket from a group of 20 Mandalorians. These Mandalorians were hired by Dooku to deal with any situation that arises.
The survivors were now stuck in the arena as more droids began to poor in while Yoda had ordered the troops to focus fire on the Mandalorians.
The Mandalorians were using their jetpacks to fly and dodge many shots from the clone troopers making it hard for the clones to hit them.
The survivors had successfully managed to board a transport and leave the arena. But the Mandalorians had taken out an engine on one of the transports that contained a group of clones.
The transport had crashed but was not destroyed and the passengers were okay so they exited the LAAT and seen a group of droids coming to their location.
Their communications were broken so they couldn't call for help from any other force. So the clone troopers had formed a line behind the LAAT and planned to hold the line.
But before the droids could get close enough Above head an unknown group of transports had come down and destroyed all the droids while some transports headed for the arena.
In front of the clones landed a shuttle where a fully armored 7 feet tall soldier emerged.