Chapter 56

A/N: The Beginning of the Chapter is the same as the previous version only the second part where the mysterious figure came in was changed. And thanks for the Feedback on the other Chapter so I can know that it wasn't just me that felt weird by the chapter.

During the 1 month break time from the war, the Republic attempted to invade some planets since they thought that John was only taking a 1-month break because his fleets were badly damaged but when they invaded a planet they saw a massive fleet with no damages and fully operational.

The Republic fleet ended up surrendering after losing most of their ships due to boarding parties and system malfunctions after trying to leave the fight through hyperspace only for the ship to become non-functional.

After the fleet lost Republic citizens had seen that this was a war that the Republic could not win so citizens began fleeing and moving to Imperium worlds to escape the Corrupt republic and because Imperium citizens had the best lives and there were no poor people because if somebody was poor the Government would hire them for a construction job or if they were a woman, they would become workers in Government-owned Restaurants. And Kids would be tested to see if they were force-sensitive and if they were they would be offered a choice to Join the Dragon Order and become a knight to serve the Empire or stay with their parents.

Most kids chose to Join the Dragon Order since they wanted a chance to protect their parents and family.

The mass number of people immigrating from the Republic was in the Hundreds of Million as many people wanted a life away from the corruption.

The now Imperium-owned Confederacy planets were being improved and the people's lives were improving. There were some people who tried to protest the Imperium Government because the Imperium didn't give traders much power in the Government and the traders wanted more influence and power.

The traders even attempted to bribe Government officials so they were arrested and charged with bribing the Government which amounted to 5 years in prison.

After that, not many people attempted to bribe any Government official or protest because traders don't have as much power as they use to.

Although traders would be a big source of income for the Imperium the Government already had enough traders from their Core worlds making them more than enough money and they didn't need these traders although they were experienced in trading they were ambitious also which could cause problems in the future.

Within the Jedi Order, Mace Windu was discussing with the other Master Jedi how to go about this war with the Imperium. Mace wanted the Imperium to be defeated and the Emperor to be arrested since he thought John was dangerous and he was the true Sith since ever since his meeting with John the Dark side has grown in power.

Master Yoda wanted to end the conflict peacefully and not risk more innocent lives to war and return the Republic to peace. He also wanted to avoid war with the Imperium since he could sense that the Force was powerful inside of John and he might be the chosen over Anakin Skywalker.

Master Yoda then said how fighting another war will result in the loss of more Jedi and how Fighting was not the Jedi way.

Mace argued that in order to protect the Jedi Order and destroy the Sith then the Imperium must be destroyed as John is the true Sith.

Master Yoda argued that John wasn't a Sith while Mace brought up the Missing Republic fleets and the thousands of lives lost because the Imperium attacked them on Geonosis. The Jedi masters all knew of what happened on Geonosis as they were informed that the Imperium had attacked the planet and destroyed the Republic fleet leaving no survivors. Of course, this was all a lie fabricated by Palpatine to get the Jedi to see the Imperium as an enemy and use them to weaken themselves.

Once they are weak Palpatine would initiate the Final Order and eliminate all Jedi and brand them as traitors. The Jedi didn't know that they were playing right into Palpatine's hand but Palpatine's plan would prove to be more effective than he thought.

Mace stood up and shouted

"This has gone on long enough and I will not watch the Rise of a Sith Empire right under our noses so call upon my right to form the Army of Light and will personally lead them to destroy the Imperium," Said Mace

(The army of light was an army of Jedi within the Jedi Order that fought in several crusades against the Brotherhood of Darkness. According to old records, the ancient Jedi Master Morrit Ch'gally served within the Army of Light as a veteran of the crusades and created the discipline of the Jedi Sentinel, whilst a member of the Acquisition Division)

"Enough call upon the army of light you will not as it has never been a part of the Jedi Order and it never will. As the Grandmaster of the Order, I revoke your title as Master of the Order so you can reflect on your actions" Yelled Yoda as he tapped his cane on the floor and stared at Mace with a serious expression

Mace Windu stood up and the room grew tense. Then Mace pulled out his lightsaber and locked blades with Master Yoda. The other Jedi council members including Kenobi and Anakin had split between Joining Mace side and Master Yoda and began fighting also.

The commotion had spread throughout the whole Temple as many light soldiers were fighting Jedi with their white lightsabers while saying things like "The Army of light has no need for traitors" or "The Army of light will not stand for your incompetence".

Many things were said as they were fighting.

Many Jedi were escorting the Younglings onto transports to leave the planet and escape the Now Jedi Civil War.

A/N: Mace has finally had enough of Master Yoda Who do you think will win Master Yoda's side or Mace's side or will both be destroyed?

Hopefully, this is better than the previous version of the Chapter