Exactly one year Alina locked herself away.

Alina, who is still thinking about Danendra, makes her feel numb, she locks herself in her room, she doesn't want to communicate with anyone, she just stays silent like a dead princess in her room.

She never wanted to go out, exactly one year Alina had locked herself up, she never worked like she used to, it was very difficult to eat, and her parents were very worried about their daughter.

Love can paralyze human feelings, while Rei has always been faithful to wait for Alina. Although many women chased him, he could never love another woman besides Alina.

>> Alina's room<<

Her eyes are droopy from crying too much, her lips are dry from lack of vitamins, and her body is thin due to lack of food intake. That's Alina's current condition, she hasn't taken care of herself for a year.

She only focused on the feelings of injury she experienced, she didn't care about everyone around her including her parents.

"Alina, this is Mother". Call her mother from outside.

But Alina still didn't want to answer, it was as if she didn't hear any sound.

"Alina, open the door dear! Your mom and dad miss you". Her mother said again as she knocked on the door.

But still Alina didn't move, she remained silent while looking at the photo of her togetherness with Danendra, and her dry tears didn't seem to be coming out anymore.

>>Living Room<<

Mrs. Maya then invited her husband to sit in the living room. She seemed desperate to see the condition of her daughter.

"Pa! I'm worried about Alina, she's been locked away for a year! How can I persuade her to come out?". Said Mrs. Maya.

Mr. Darma took a deep breath, he was also worried about his daughter.

"Me too! What should we do to get Alina to open the door to her room! She's been locked up for a long time, love makes our child numb like this". Said Mr. Darma.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps from outside, "Excuse me! '. Said the guest.

"Who is outside? ". Asked Mrs. Maya,

Yet he could answer, Rei suddenly appeared, and Mrs. Maya was very surprised to see the arrival of Rei already several months before he appeared.

Mrs. Maya thought Rei was married, and happily, Mrs. Maya and Mr. Darma greeted him.

Rei then held Mrs. Maya's hand and Mr. Darma's hand and kissed the back of their hand. Mrs. Maya then lets Rei sit down.

"Rei! Auntie is very happy to see you coming! How are you now? Auntie thinks you're married?" Mrs. Maya asked.

Rei smiled hearing Mrs. Maya's words, "I'm fine Aunt and I'm not married." Rei replied.

Mr. Darma was relieved to hear Rei and his wife's conversation, he smiled at himself because he was expecting Rei to become Alina's husband.

"Rei, how do you do now?". Asked Mr. Darma.

"Everything was smooth, now I am busy with my own company, I again opened a branch abroad." Rei replied.

Mr. Darma and Mrs. Maya smiled happily hearing Rei's extraordinary development.

"Thank God for that, very lucky woman who will get you later". Said Mr. Darma.

Rei was surprised by Mr. Darma's words, because all this time he was only after his love Alina, not another woman. While Mrs. Maya felt uncomfortable with her husband's words, she glanced and pinched her husband.

"Aaww....". Mr. Darma groaned in pain.

Mrs. Maya immediately changed the subject.

"Papa! why are you talking like that?". Sorry Rei, sometimes Alina's dad is nosy, can't filter his words! Oh yeah, how are your parents? Haven't seen them in a long time". Said Mrs. Maya.

"It's okay! Mama and Papa's news are fine". Rei replied.