Deep jealousy (2).

As if she ignored Rei who was calling after that Rei hung up the phone. He then started the car again, after which he started it.

Alina continued to play with her fingers, jealousy flared up her heart as it burned at this moment, "Looks like I have to go away for a while". Rei said.

"Where are you going?" Ask Alina.

"Aren't you going to prepare things to bring tomorrow"? Said Alina.

"I have more important business, it's best if we do the packing tonight because we still have plenty of time," Rei replied.

"Whatever you say". Alina then turned her face away, she didn't want to see Rei's face again. This time Rei was completely insensitive to Alina's different attitude.

On their journey, it took them an hour to get home because Rei had other activities. Rei took approximately 45 minutes to get home. Rei didn't dare to drive at high speed because he knew that Alina was traumatized.