A city center airport

They just kept answering each other as they spoke. Their conversation reconnected again. If you can say their relationship is strange. Mr. Jupri as Rei's personal driver could only be silent while glancing at Rei and Alina from the rearview mirror. It turned out that Mr. Jupri had been paying attention to his employer. But Mr. Jupri never interfered, unless he was ordered by Rei.

Their journey was only a short time away, from a few meters away we could see the airport lights from a fairly close distance. How beautiful to look at. All the lights flashed brightly, welcoming the comings and goings of people.

City Center Airport A.

They arrived safely, the scenery was vast, so many foreigners were on the move. Various kinds of face shapes are seen, ranging from the most beautiful and the ugliest. Starting from the most handsome and mediocre.

Seeing planes lined up waiting for their turn to depart.