Good news

Alina spontaneous outright ban Rei throw a skewer. He immediately stopped the hands of Rei "Stop! Do not discard" Alina screamed involuntarily.

Rei puzzled look Alina action. Due to this sate is not nothing. Why did he prohibit Rei membuanganya "why Alina?" Asked Rei.

Alina lowered Rei hand while taking a skewer. He smiles embarrassed "It is not good to throw food. Let me eat it ... Hehehe" said Alina.

"What! You should not eat it. Because of this sate is already cold. You wait here, I'll order it for you" says Rei. He really can not bear to see Alina eat satay rest yourself.

"Nothing. I just wanted to save these foods only. Because I feel pity if not to be eaten"

"But Alina! I do not want you to be sick because of eating satay indiscriminate"

"It's okay. It's okay I'm okay" Alina then insert a skewer into mouth.

Alina glares look towards Rei and it is true. Sate which he ate was very tasty "It's awful. I want to again dong" says Alina.