Invite Alina around

"Yes, that's why I salute you. Because people rarely care about others. Most of us only care about our own needs without caring about others"

"Just be grateful because we still have hearts like that"

"Sir, are you done?" Ask the private driver gently "I have prepared one more box, it's special as usual" continued the personal driver.

"Soon sir. I still want to see the scenery in this area" Marcell replied.

"Okay sir!" His private driver then quietly waited behind.

"Do you still want to visit again?" Alina asked in surprise.

"Yes Alina! Because I still have one more place" Marcell replied.

"Where? Why don't you share it?" Alina asked again.

"Because this is a special place. I have prepared for him" Marcell replied.

"Why am I being curious like this. Why don't we just walk away?" Ask Alina.