The ship was on fire. Again.
Amaris ran to the end of the pier where the ship was aflame. The fire was dying, but the wood was left black, some pieces damaged beyond repair.
Once she reached the edge, she stood frozen, not knowing what to do. The ramp had fallen down and she had no way to get on the ship. Blurry silhouettes rushed across the deck and Amaris called to them. she yelled and jumped until she was spotted. Before she knew it, a figure was gliding through the air landing before her.
“what happened?” she asked Wind Tuner as he picked her up and took flight.
“A mob followed the healer here and decided they didn’t want her or any of us staying in their city. So they decided to burn the Crescent.” He grunted.
Amaris recalled the crowd in the market, screaming and threatening Mizuko for being a ‘dark’ weaver. “Where’s Ash? Can’t he stop the fire?”