
MaySa pulls the blanket that covers herself. Clayton sat on top of the other. You have to go to the bathroom, don't you? MaySa's eyes looked at Clayton's media like that. because he would not move the blanket free

Clayton smiled understandingly. He raised his eyebrows first and got out of bed and walked to the wardrobe that ate one wall of the bedroom. He took out a large gray robe. and went back to find MaySa who was about to get out of bed while pulling the blankets wrapped around her body

Oh! MaySa cried out when her legs serve her to stand The anguish attacked her almost collapsing. If Clayton hadn't come and grabbed her shoulder from behind first.

Clayton understood what happened to MaySa. After a while, she'll get used to it. The first time, you need to give your body some time to adjust. Because Clayton could not restrain himself or tell himself that when the time came, let him be gentle with her Since she was this beautiful, it was natural that he would be mad.