The journey to the quarterdeck was almost impossible to make. Everyone on deck was clutching to a ramp or a mast or a railing. The waves around them were wild and they crashed around the ship mercilessly, rocking it in every which direction. But that was not what worried Amaris, no, what made her stomach clench and her eyes widen, was the ring of white light on the horizon. A light so strong it was almost blinding. Not only that but the whirlpool it seemed to create around it. A whirlpool that was quickly drawing their ship to its center.
“Mirage.” The captain yelled at the helmsman who was battling with the helm to turn it. “What the hell is happening?”
“There’s something pulling the ship.” Mirage cried over the roaring waves, his orange eyes glimmering with concentration, his feet apart trying to gain as much balance as he could without letting go of the helm.
“It’s the whirlpool, isn’t it?”