Attack on Onyx Tails

“Caddel, we’ve been attacked on the borders. Two soldiers are down.” Uriel was informed in his office by his beta.

“How do they know about us? No one can see us unless they’re invited, Alfred.” Uriel questioned, standing up from the chair.

“They must have been invited in. We’re tracking their scent to find out who they actually are.” Alfred spoke as they both walked out of the office.

As soon as they were outside the building a massive explosion boomed through the woods, making the ground shake under their feet.

“WTF! What the hell is happening?!” Uriel shouted in panic and everyone started to come out of their houses.

“Let me see…” Alfred ran away to look at the sight of the explosion. While Uriel connected with every member of his pack through the mind link. He told them all to hurry towards the headquarters.