Celebrations II

Zadkiel opened the door and dashed in, even though he wasn’t a little bit excited about being the centre of the attention, he still knew how much Irvin wanted it and looking forward to it. He didn’t want to be the reason for the ceremony’s or whatever it was, delay.

A suit covered in a zip lock bag was placed on the bed along with it a box of shoes was placed. Zadkiel smiled and walked to the bed to have a better look at it. It was a black blazer with a white buttoned-up t-shirt and grey dress pants. There was also a red tie with it, placed next to it.

He went to lock the door so when he walks out of the bathroom in a towel, he wouldn’t face any embarrassing moment. He grabbed a towel from the cupboard and wasted no time going to the bathroom for a quick shower.

When he was dressed, he felt like the tie didn’t suit him. Plus, it felt really formal so he removed it. He pulled out the shirt from the back of his pants and unbuttoned his blazer.