Murder plan

32 hours before Zadkiel’s first full moon and he was already feeling worried. He didn’t know what to expect. Well, no one had any idea if Zadkiel would turn or not, or if turned, was he going to be able to control himself. He was going around asking everyone about their first full moon experience. So far, every story had scared him.

“Yeah… I don’t think it’s a great idea to continue, you know.” Abel chuckled after hearing the story of one of the pack members telling him that it felt like every bone in his body broke and reformed itself. Only he dared to say the truth while everyone tried their best to hide the truth about how much pain it would cause.

“No… I don’t care about the pain. I just want to know if anyone of these people hurt anyone.” Zadkiel declined the suggestion.

“All of them are saying they don’t even remember what happened during those hours. So, I don’t think they can help you. They are just increasing my anxiety.” Abel sighed.