
“OMG! Is that Blue tang?” He pressed his hands to the glass of the aquarium and stared inside before turning to look at Irvin “You know, that’s dory. In finding Nemo? Or finding dory. Whatever.” He waved his hand dismissively before turning his attention back to the fish.

“Is this species really that dumb like dory?” He questioned, but his eyes were still glued on the single Blue Tang fish he found. The only one he could see.

“Why do I get the feeling that it’s lost here too?” He frowned looking at the fish.

Irvin stepped right beside him and placed his hand on his mate’s nape before leaning in and placing a kiss there. “Look behind you, hun.” He whispered in his ear.

He looked up at Irvin before slowly turning on his heels to find that the rest of the Blue Tang fish were on the other side of the aquarium. He eyed the path through the arch to the fish that seemed to have lost its way.