Unintended Consequences

Roger wracked his brain for over a week, trying to figure out how to communicate with someone on the opposite side of the teleporter. It had never concerned him previously, largely due to the constraints of his curse. However, during one of his contemplative moments, when the magical teleportation circle appeared, frustration got the better of him. In a rare fit of anger, he hurled a rock he was holding with such force that it damaged part of the magic circle.

Roger, reacting instinctively, turned his head away after the throw. He remained oblivious to the damage he had inflicted on the circle. At first glance, it seemed a trivial matter, given that no immediate consequences were visible. Yet, unknown to Roger, the rock's trajectory had been altered by the disrupted magic. Instead of landing within the world of Sunaru, the stone vanished into the void.

While the rock's final destination remained a mystery, a more pressing issue arose. The teleportation circle, his lifeline to supplies, was compromised. Unaware of the severity of his actions, Roger didn't realize he only had provisions for a few more weeks. Thereafter, the specter of starvation loomed.

Uncharacteristically, Roger's impulsive act put his life at risk. He had always been a calm, non-violent individual. This outburst was an anomaly, driven by a newfound feeling of missing out. Regaining his composure after the incident, he collected his supplies and retreated to the shelter provided for him.