Love Bound

While Roger struggled with trust, having been abandoned on a desolate island at a young age and forced to fend for himself, John's experience was starkly different. John had many he trusted, yet deep within his subconscious, a sliver of doubt persisted. This doubt, unknown even to him, acted as a barrier—preventing him from getting close to anyone, fearful of the repercussions of his destructive curse. For if he trusted someone wholeheartedly, he believed he could never harm them, even unintentionally.

Yet, John grappled with understanding this elusive curse. How did he come to bear it? His subconscious held the answers, revealed only during encounters with Roger in their shared dream realm. But the challenge lay in retaining memories from these dreams, as both couldn't recall their ethereal conversations.

Complete trust is a rarity. However, as the adage goes, "love is blind." The only path to truly breaking John's curse might be to love someone unconditionally. But how could he achieve this, especially when he feels so isolated? Could Minxy be his salvation? Even if he finds solace in love, how would Minxy's blood curse play out when they finally meet face-to-face?

The answers to these tantalizing questions lie ahead. Continue supporting this novel, enabling me to publish chapters regularly and transition to writing full-time.